Pilophorus cinnamopterus

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Pilophorus cinnamopterus
Pilophorus cinnamopterus (Miridae) - (imago), Molenhoek, the Netherlands.jpg

Pilophorus cinnamopterus

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Soft bugs (Miridae)
Subfamily : Phylinae
Tribe : Pilophorini
Genre : Pilophorus
Type : Pilophorus cinnamopterus
Scientific name
Pilophorus cinnamopterus
( Kirschbaum , 1856)

Pilophorus cinnamopterus is a species of bug from the family of soft bugs (Miridae).


The ant-like bugs are 4.1 to 5.1 millimeters long. The species looks very similar to Pilophorus perplexus and, like this species, has a continuous rear silvery-white band on the hemielytras . In contrast to the similar species, however , Pilophorus cinnamopterus has orange-brown colored hemielytres in front of the band and can also be found on other food plants. Behind the bandage, they are darkened and shiny. They are notched at the back and bent down.

Occurrence and habitat

The species is distributed in Europe, east to east Siberia and across Asia Minor to the Caspian region. It was probably also introduced to North America.

The species is widespread in Germany and Austria and occurs frequently in places. It colonizes conifers, especially pines ( Pinus ), rarely also firs ( Abies ) and spruces ( Picea ), both in dense stands and individual trees. The species is rarely found on hardwoods such as oaks ( Quercus ), although it is assumed that they are wanderers here.

Way of life

Pilophorus cinnamopterus predatory feeds on aphids , especially of the genera Lachnus and Cinara . They are therefore often found together with forest ants ( Formica ), which, however, behave aggressively towards the bedbugs. But they also suckle on the needles, buds and the male reproductive organs of the host trees. Imagines can be seen until September or October from early July. Under unfavorable conditions, they do not appear until August. The overwintering takes place as an egg.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 2: Cimicomorpha: Microphysidae (lichen bugs), Miridae (soft bugs) (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life . 75th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2006, ISBN 3-931374-57-2 , p. 196 .
  2. Pilophorus cinnamopterus. British Bugs, accessed July 3, 2015 .
  3. a b Frieder Sauer: Sauer's nature guide, bugs and cicadas recognized from color photos . Fauna, Keltern 1996, ISBN 3-923010-12-5 , p. 152 .


  • Frieder Sauer: Sauer's nature guide recognized bugs and cicadas from color photos . Fauna, Keltern 1996, ISBN 3-923010-12-5 .
  • Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 2: Cimicomorpha: Microphysidae (lichen bugs), Miridae (soft bugs) (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life . 75th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2006, ISBN 3-931374-57-2 .

Web links

Commons : Pilophorus cinnamopterus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files