Piptadeniastrum africanum

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Piptadeniastrum africanum
Piptadeniastrum africanum-Jardin botanique titmouse (4) .jpg

Piptadeniastrum africanum

Eurosiden I
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Mimosa family (Mimosoideae)
Genre : Piptadeniastrum
Type : Piptadeniastrum africanum
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Piptadeniastrum africanum
( Hook.f. ) Brenan

Piptadeniastrum africanum is a tree in the legume family from the subfamily of the mimosa family from West and Central Africa to Sudan . It is the only species in the genus Piptadeniastrum .


Piptadeniastrum africanum grows as a mostly deciduous tree up to 50 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches up to 1.8-3 meters. Thinner and meter high and wide buttress roots are formed. The brownish to gray-brown bark is smooth to slightly cracked, with transverse, ring marks.

The alternate and short-stalked leaves are double-pinnate with 20–38 pinnate. The feathers contain 50–120 small, sessile and elongated, round-pointed leaflets . They are entire, slightly ciliate, narrow, 1–1.5 millimeters wide and up to about 7–8.5 millimeters long and mostly unequal at the base. The short petiole is up to 3 inches long. The small stipules fall off early.

Terminal or axillary, dense and multi-flowered, spike-shaped, cylindrical, shorter, false grapes are formed, which often appear in several together. The hermaphrodite, very small and short-stalked, whitish to yellowish flowers are five-fold with a double flower envelope . The very small toothed, cup-shaped chalice is about 0.5 millimeters in size. The 2.5–3 millimeter long petals are free and elongated to eilanzettlich. There are 10 fused stamens at the base, slightly protruding and covered with a gland . The stalked, hairless ovary is upper constant with a slim stylus .

Flat, linear and one-sided opening, dark brown, short-tipped, glabrous legumes are formed, they are 13-36 centimeters long and 1.5-3 centimeters wide. They contain up to 9 winged seeds. The orange-brown, shiny seeds are very flat and winged elliptically all around; long at the ends and short on the sides, the veined wing is thin and papery, with wings 3–9.5 centimeters long.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 26.


The first description of Basionyms Piptadenia africana was made in 1849 by Joseph Dalton Hooker in WJHooker, Niger Fl .: 330. The re-allocation to the new genus Piptadeniastrum to Piptadeniastrum africanum was made in 1955 by John Patrick Micklethwait Brenan in Kew Bull 10 (2):. 179th


The poisonous bark is used as arrow or fish poison as well as to fight rats and mice. It is also used for torture.

The bark, leaves and roots are used medicinally.

The medium-weight, well-resistant, dark wood is used in a variety of ways. It is known as Dabéma or Dahoma as well as African greenheart .


Web links

Commons : Piptadeniastrum africanum  - collection of images, videos and audio files