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Map of Sardinia with the location of Planargia

The Planargia is a plateau on the west side of Sardinia , located between the valley of the Temo in the town Bosa in the north and up to 1000 m high mountain country of the former volcano Monte Ferru in the south in the province of Oristano extends. The landscape is bounded by the Arborea in the south, the Barbagia in the east and the Logudoro in the north. In the west the Planargia borders the sea.

The main high places of the Planargia are Cuglieri and Santu Lussurgiu . In addition, S'Archittu, San Leonardo de Siete Fuentes and Tresnuraghes should be mentioned. The surrounding area offers forests, hills and rivers, beaches with fine sand or high cliffs. The main vegetation is Lecci forests. The Monte Ferru massif lies on the road from Cuglieri to Santu Lussurgiu and consists of basalt and trachyte. The highest peaks are the Monte Urtigu with 1,050 m and the Monte Entu with 1,024 m.

Of archaeological interest are the Domus de Janas of Serrugiu from the Neolithic Age and the ruins of the city of Cornus , near Santa Caterina di Pittinuri. Like Tharros , Cornus was a Punic city ​​that was founded in 211 BC. Became Roman . In the 4th century AD the place was renamed "Columbaris" and was the Christian center with the oldest church in Sardinia. The three-aisled basilica with apse and baptismal font can be viewed as a ruin. The Genoese or Saracen towers (Cappo Nieddu, Torre del Pozzo, Torre di Foghe) are also on the coast . Among the nuraghi located on the edge of the Planargia, the Protonuraghe Seneghe near Suni and the Greater Nuraghe Lugherras near Paulilatino are particularly noteworthy, but difficult to find.

Web links

  • [1] (comprehensive on several pages, Italian)