Oristano Province

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Oristano Province
coat of arms
Provinz Cuneo Metropolitanstadt Turin Provinz Asti Provinz Alessandria Provinz Vercelli Provinz Biella Provinz Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Provinz Novara Provinz Pavia Provinz Lodi Provinz Cremona Provinz Mantua Provinz Brescia Provinz Bergamo Provinz Monza und Brianza Metropolitanstadt Mailand Provinz Varese Provinz Como Provinz Lecco Provinz Sondrio Provinz Rimini Provinz Forlì-Cesena Provinz Ravenna Provinz Ferrara Metropolitanstadt Bologna Provinz Modena Provinz Reggio Emilia Provinz Parma Provinz Piacenza Provinz Grosseto Provinz Siena Provinz Arezzo Provinz Prato Metropolitanstadt Florenz Provinz Pisa Provinz Livorno Provinz Lucca Provinz Pistoia Provinz Massa-Carrara Provinz La Spezia Metropolitanstadt Genua Provinz Savona Provinz Imperia Südtirol Trentino Friaul-Julisch Venetien Friaul-Julisch Venetien Friaul-Julisch Venetien Friaul-Julisch Venetien Metropolitanstadt Venedig Provinz Verona Provinz Rovigo Provinz Padua Provinz Vicenza Provinz Treviso Provinz Belluno Provinz Sassari Provinz Oristano Provinz Nuoro Provinz Süd-Sardinien Metropolitanstadt Cagliari Freies Gemeindekonsortium Trapani Metropolitanstadt Palermo Freies Gemeindekonsortium Agrigent Freies Gemeindekonsortium Caltanissetta Metropolitanstadt Messina Freies Gemeindekonsortium Enna Freies Gemeindekonsortium Ragusa Metropolitanstadt Catania Freies Gemeindekonsortium Syrakus Provinz Vibo Valentia Metropolitanstadt Reggio Calabria Provinz Catanzaro Provinz Crotone Provinz Cosenza Provinz Potenza Provinz Matera Provinz Foggia Provinz Barletta-Andria-Trani Metropolitanstadt Bari Provinz Tarent Provinz Brindisi Provinz Lecce Provinz Caserta Metropolitanstadt Neapel Provinz Benevento Provinz Salerno Provinz Avellino Provinz Campobasso Provinz Isernia Provinz Viterbo Provinz Rieti Provinz Frosinone Metropolitanstadt Rom Hauptstadt Provinz Latina Provinz Chieti Provinz Pescara Provinz Teramo Provinz L’Aquila Provinz Terni Provinz Perugia Provinz Pesaro-Urbino Provinz Ancona Provinz Macerata Provinz Fermo Provinz Ascoli Piceno Aostatal San Marino Vatikanstadt Algerien Tunesien Malta Montenegro Bosnien und Herzegowina Kroatien Slowenien Ungarn Schweiz Österreich Schweiz Monaco Frankreich Frankreich FrankreichLocation within Italy
About this picture
State : Italy
Region : Sardinia
Capital: Oristano
Area : 2,990 km²
Residents : 156,078 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 52.2 inhabitants / km²
Number of municipalities: 87
Postal code : 09020, 09070-09086, 09088-09099, 09170
License plate : OR
ISO-3166-2 identification : IT-OR
ISTAT number : 095
Website: official page

The province of Oristano (Italian Provincia di Oristano , Sardinian Provìntzia de Aristanis ) is an Italian province in the Sardinia region . The capital is Oristano . It has 156,078 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) in 87 municipalities on an area of ​​2,990 km².

Oristano Province


The landscape ranges from desert-like sand areas to lagoons ( Aristanis means “between the lagoons”) to steep rocky slopes and basalt plateaus. Geologically, the area emerged from a series of volcanic eruptions ( Monte Ferru and Monte Arci ). Lava rocks and thermal springs ( Fordongianus ) and are witnesses of this past, which has continued into recent history.


The oldest human traces date from the 6th millennium BC. BC and were discovered in the oven graves at Conca é Illonis and Cuccuru S'Arriu . The Domus de Janas and the dolmens , giant tombs and fountain sanctuaries are more recent. In the 16th century BC The nuragic culture began . The Punians and Romans followed . The Sardinian resistance to the latter was broken with the destruction of Cornus . The Romans built the thermal baths. From the 8th century onwards, abandoned by Byzantium, the island organized itself into four judicates . One was Arborea and its capital, Oristano.

The province was established in 1974 from areas of the provinces Nuoro and Cagliari , making it the youngest province of Sardinia for a long time. In the course of the reorganization of the Sardinian provinces, which was decided in 2001 and implemented in 2005, the province received 10 municipalities from the province of Nuoro, increasing it by around 15,000 inhabitants and 410 km². When the Sardinian reorganization of local authorities came into force in 2016, the municipality of Genoni was reclassified to the province of Sud Sardegna .

Largest communities

(Population figures as of December 31, 2019)

local community Residents
Oristano 31,469
Terralba 10.101
Convertibles 9043
Bosa 7806
Marrubiu 4737
Santa Giusta 4757
Ghilarza 4409
Mogoro 4048
Arborea 3844
Samugheo 2926

The list of municipalities in Sardinia includes all municipalities in the province with population figures.


Old town of Bosa with Castello
Remains of Tharros

Web links

Commons : Province of Oristano  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.