Santa Cristina (fountain sanctuary)

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Stairs to the fountain

Santa Cristina , five kilometers south of Paulilatino in the province of Oristano in Sardinia in Italy , is a Sardinian well temple ( Italian Pozzo sacro ) from the Nuragic period (1800 to regionally around 234 BC). It is located near the cumbessias (pilgrims' homes) of the small church of the same name, at a separate exit from the SS131 Carlo Felice highway in a nuragic village in a light olive grove.

Santa Cristina
Tholos seen from below

A small nuraghe , some huts, a round temple (Capanna circolare), but above all the remains of the walls of countless buildings on an area of ​​14 hectares have been preserved or restored from the village . The fountain sanctuary surrounded by a low wall ( peribolos ) is outstanding . The well room is walled up like a keyhole. A precisely crafted staircase leads down into the depths and the equally well crafted fountain area, which is tholos-like . The underground complex of Santa Cristina represents the architectural highlight of the stone work of the Nuragic culture. It is based on found bronzes to the end of the 2nd millennium BC. Dated. The Punians apparently continued to use the facility, which one inferred from the existence of their typical incense burners.

The best preserved or larger fountains in Sardinia, which stand for the nuragher water cult, also include: Sa Testa and Milis as well as the Cabu Abbas complex (the beginning of water) all near Olbia , Predio Canopoli in Perfugas , the hypogeum Ipogeo di San Salvatore near Cabras , Santa Vittoria near Serri and Serra Niedda near Sorso . The fact that some of the facilities have modern names is evidenced by the fact that the cult continued at old water cult sites or spring shrines, such as Su Lumarzu and Su Tempiesu , in Christian clothing. A finely crafted but completely different fountain and a round temple (Capanna circolare) are located at the nuraghe Noddule near Bitti .

See also


  • Sebastiano Demurtas, Lucia Manca Demurtas: Santa Cristina ei siti archeologici nel territorio di Paulilatino . Zonza Editori, Sestu 1999, ISBN 88-8470-007-8 , ( Itinerari archeologici ).

Web links

Commons : Pozzo sacro di Santa Cristina (Paulilatino)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 40 ° 3 ′ 41 ″  N , 8 ° 43 ′ 57 ″  E