Poetry Slam (ZDFkultur)

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Television broadcast
Original title poetry slam
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 2012
length 90 minutes
Episodes 8th
genre poetry slam
Director Axel Ludewig
production Norbert Busè
Moderation Nina "Fiva" Sonnenberg, Jo Schück and Rainer Maria Jilg
First broadcast 04.10.2012 on ZDFkultur (Editing: Simone Ebert, Jochen Werner)

Poetry Slam is a live format produced by Studio.TV.Film that was broadcast for the first time on October 4, 2012 on ZDFkultur .


The young literature format 'Poetry Slam' is a 90-minute live transmission of a poetry slam in which six young slam poets compete in a poetry competition. The slammers present their own texts as part of a short performance that moves between theater and literature. The show will be moderated by Nina "Fiva" Sonnenberg, Jo Schück and Rainer Maria Jilg . The band 'Rupert's Kitchen Orchestra' will provide the background music. The slammers include Hazel Brugger , Anke Fuchs , Philipp Herold , Karsten Lampe, Patrick Salmen , Andy Strauss , Sarah Bosetti , Laura Reichel, Tilmann Döring and Sven Stickling.

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