Porcelia macrocarpa

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Porcelia macrocarpa
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Magnolia-like (Magnoliales)
Family : Annonaceous (Annonaceae)
Genre : Porcelia
Type : Porcelia macrocarpa
Scientific name
Porcelia macrocarpa

Porcelia macrocarpa is a tree in the Annon family from eastern to southeastern Brazil .


Porcelia macrocarpa grows as a semi-evergreen tree to about 20 meters or a little more high. The trunk diameter reaches up to 60–80 centimeters. The brownish to greyish bark has fine furrows.

The simple, alternate and short-stalked leaves are bare. The short petiole is up to 8 millimeters long. The entire, ovate to elliptical, lanceolate leaves are 7–12 inches long and 2–3.5 inches wide. At the top they are rounded to pointed.

The large and fragrant flowers appear terminal and solitary. The hermaphroditic and threefold, stalked flowers with a double flower envelope are yellow. The 3 small, triangular sepals are roofy and hairy brown. The 6 roofed, 3–3.5 centimeters long, fleshy and hairy, rounded petals stand in two circles. There are many short, free and densely standing, elongated and almost sedentary stamens . There are many free, densely standing and seated, elongated carpels with an almost seated stigma .

The egg-shaped to ellipsoid, multi-seeded and yellow-greenish, thick-skinned fruits are up to 5–9 centimeters long and 3–4 centimeters wide. There are usually several together in a collective crop . The elongated, approximately 7–15, brownish seeds in two rows are 15–20 millimeters long.


The first valid description was in 1930 by Robert Elias Fries in Acta Horti Berg. 10: 31. The species was named Uvaria macrocarpa nom as early as 1873 by Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming . illegal. in Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Forums. Kjøbenhavn 1873 (9-12): 142 (–143), but this name is invalid because it has been used several times before. Another synonym is Porcelia goyazensis R.E.Fr.


The sweet, juicy fruits are edible. A fiber can be obtained from the bark .

The rough wood is not durable and is only used for minor applications.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. online at biodiversitylibrary.org.