Porto Santo Stefano

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Porto Santo Stefano

Porto Santo Stefano is the larger of the two places ( capital ) of the Italian municipality of Monte Argentario . The port is located on the north side of the Monte Argentario peninsula on the Tyrrhenian Sea .


Old Port

On Roman maps, ports with the names Portus Traianus , Portus ad Cetarias and Portus Incitaria appear at Monte Argentario . A continuity to today's Porto Santo Stefano cannot be proven, however, since documents have only been available since the 14th century, when the port was a naval base of Siena .

To protect against pirate attacks, the Torre Argentiera and several other coastal watch towers were built in 1442 .

Only after the fall of Siena in 1555 and the occupation of the territory by the Spanish Habsburgs under King Philip II , the medieval town developed under the governor Nunez Orejon de Avila in the Stato dei Presidi . The Spaniards used the place both as a military base and for the merchant navy.

On May 9, 1646, Porto Santo Stefano was conquered by French troops for the first time, but two months later they had to return it to Habsburg. Incidentally, Porto Santo Stefano shared the history of the Spanish garrison state: it fell to Austria in 1707 and to the Bourbons in 1737 . In 1801 Napoleon captured it in his Etrurian Republic ; after its fall in the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the territory came to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and in 1860 to the Italian nation-state.


Spanish fortress with drawbridge
Street in the old town
  • The massive Fortezza Spagnola above the village was built by the Spanish Habsburgs (Vice-Agent Don Parafan de Ribera) at the beginning of the 17th century. Access from the land side to the two-storey building on a square floor plan (35 m × 35 m) is via a staircase with a drawbridge. There is a cistern in the inner courtyard, flanked by six rooms for the garrison. One has access to a terrace with a view of the harbor. A second terrace can be entered upstairs. Relics of the Spanish defenses as well as loopholes can still be seen.
  • The old town with colored houses (predominantly beige and rosé) was rebuilt in the medieval borgo style after the Second World War .
  • Italians have their yachts at Porto Vecchio .
  • The fish market takes place daily at the fishing port of Porto del Valle , from here ships ply to the neighboring islands of Giglio and Giannutri .


Tourism, which has grown steadily since the 1960s, replaced fishing as the main source of income at the end of the 20th century.

The importance of the place as a residence and marina of the upper class is almost followed by the sister of the Fiat patriarch Giovanni Agnelli , who built her villa there. Susanna Agnelli , who was mayor of the Comune Monte Argentario for a while, was also committed to protecting the environment and stopping building speculation.

City personalities

Web links

Commons : Porto Santo Stefano  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.comunemonteargentario.it/dovesiamo.htm
  2. http://www.comunemonteargentario.it/lastrutturacomunale.htm
  3. http://ricerca.gelocal.it/iltirreno/archivio/iltirreno/2008/09/16/LG5PO_LG502.html
  4. http://www.weekendromanticotoscana.info/grosseto/porto-santo-stefano/
  5. http://giornatadellabicicletta.minambiente.it/?costante_pagina=Porto%20S%20Stefano&id_lingua=2  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / giornatadellabicicletta.minambiente.it  
  6. http://iltirreno.gelocal.it/grosseto/cronaca/2012/09/26/news/l-argentario-piange-la-morte-dell-amico-brando-giordani-1.5762372
  7. http://www.saie3.it/it/futur-design/giorgetto-giugiaro
  8. http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/95373
  9. http://old.radicali.it/view.php?id=63922

Coordinates: 42 ° 26 '  N , 11 ° 7'  E