Post-SV Tübingen

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Post-SV Tübingen
Club logo
Surname Postsportverein Tübingen e. V.
Club colors Yellow black
Founded 1951
Association headquarters Tübingen
Members 522 (as of May 2019)
Departments 8 sections
Chairman Gerold Knisel

The Post-SV Tübingen (Postsportverein Tübingen eV) is a sports club in Tübingen with eight departments or project areas. The club has 522 members (as of May 2019) aged 6 to 90 years and is mainly dedicated to popular sports. Since 2018, the club has also had a women's team in the Triathlon Bundesliga . The association is known as the organizer and host of the Nikolauslauf Tübingen .


Founded in 1951 as a company sports group of the Deutsche Bundespost , in April 1970 people who were not employed by the Post were also able to become members of the association for the first time through an entry in the register of associations at the Tübingen District Court.

Due to the dissolution of the Oberpostdirektion Tübingen in April 1976, the members decided to change the statutes in March 1981. In the purpose of the association, particular attention was drawn to family, youth and competitive sports.

The club has been part of the LAV Tübingen athletics association since 1993 . The founding clubs were the athletics departments of Post-SV Tübingen, SV 03 Tübingen , TSG Tübingen and TV Derendingen . Later the light athletics departments of TSV Lustnau, SV Pfrondorf and TSV Hagelloch joined the starting community.

The structure of the association changed in the course of the privatization of the Deutsche Bundespost in 1994. Individual departments within the association were dissolved or outsourced. In April 2008, a new version of the statutes was therefore approved by the general meeting.

At the Annual General Meeting in May 2019, the members approved an amendment to the articles of association and elected a new board team, whose spokesman is the association's chairman Gerold Knisel.

The club magazine "Postsport Mitteilungen" has been published annually since 2004, in which articles from the departments appear.



More than 100 members of the association belong to the triathlon department. In addition to competitive sports, there is also a wide range of sports on offer.


At the beginning of 2016, a cooperation with Mey Generalbau GmbH was decided. The construction company from Tübingen supports the club financially and acts as the name sponsor of the Bundesliga team.

The club has been represented in the Triathlon Bundesliga with its women's team "Mey Post-SV Tübingen" since 2018 .

The women's team took 6th place in the Baden-Württemberg State League in 2016. In 2017, she was promoted to the 1st Bundesliga. In 2018, the team finished 8th and thus secured relegation. In their second Bundesliga season, the women reached 13th place.

National league

Post-SV is represented in the Baden-Württemberg regional leagues with a total of four teams. In the Landesliga Süd, the club has two men's teams. The second women's team starts in the Baden-Württemberg women's league and was able to secure the runner-up title in 2018.

For older triathletes (from 40 years of age) there is a team in the Masters League Baden-Württemberg. In recent years, the teams have mostly occupied good midfield positions in the league.

Running and Nordic Walking

24 years after its founding, the first running club in the Tübingen district was launched on April 19, 1975 and has since been the largest running and Nordic walking club in the region.

The running and Nordic walking meeting is an open and free offer that is open to the public even without a club membership. Since the first meeting on April 19, 1975 at 4 p.m., the running meeting has "not failed once", according to the company. Honorary Chairman Wolfgang Amann says: "We see our commitment primarily as a task and offer for fellow human beings, whom we want to help to pursue a regular range of recreational sports in order to keep fit."

The offer is aimed equally at beginners, ambitious amateur athletes and performance-oriented runners. Groups of different lengths and levels of difficulty are offered through the Schönbuch Nature Park , accompanied by supervisors .

The German Athletics Association awarded this offer in April 2018 with the seal "Very good".

Post-SV athlete Anaïs Sabrié (r.), Four-time winner of the Nikolauslauf Tübingen

Running / athletics

Since 1993, the ambitious athletics has been bundled in the LAV Tübingen athletics association . The Post-SV is one of the founding associations. More than 100 athletes from the club are also members of the LAV.

Several times a year, people take part in street races and championships.

Fitness / strengthening / coordination

Are offered u. a. Strengthening / coordination, athletic training, back training, volleyball.


The hiking department has existed in the association since September 1968. All tours should be inexpensive for the participants with public transport.

Three hiking guides offered hikes to destinations such as the Swabian Alb, Schönbuch, Rammert, Spitzberg and Pfaffenberg as well as the area around Stuttgart.

Children and youth

For children and young people, the association offers swimming and running training as well as training for the German sports badge. The students start at regional events.


DOSB sports badge gold

Sports badge

With a team of licensed examiners, the club offers the opportunity to take the German sports badge . During the summer months he offers training sessions. In cooperation with the Children and Youth Department, there is also a special sports badge offer for children and teenagers. With 281 participants, the association recorded the most participations in the Tübingen district in 2018.

Sports badge statistics
total from that
year Attendees Familys Teenagers
2008 89 9 23
2009 113 11 27
2010 111 12 30th
2011 120 15th 34
2012 133 17th 33
2013 142 13 19th
2014 167 15th 20th
2015 188 15th 40
2016 251 24 60
2017 253 30th 86
2018 281 34 82

Nikolauslauf Tübingen

The association organizes the itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen , a half marathon held since 1976 in Tübingen . It takes place annually on Sundays before or after St. Nicholas Day. It is the largest Nikolauslauf and the tenth largest half marathon in Germany, which is held as a single event. Three weeks before the competition there is a test run on the original track. The organization team is supported by 250 voluntary helpers, mainly from our own association.


  • Assistance with the issue of start numbers and the blocking of the track at the Tübingen Heritage Run
  • Assistance in the event organization and the Meydays training days at the Mey Generalbau Triathlon
  • Assistance in the organization and implementation of the 100 km relay run at the University of Tübingen
  • With the Nikolauslauf Tübingen, the club has been part of the association of German road races " German Road Races " for many years.
  • With the Nikolauslauf Tübingen, the association is part of the round table of the Tübingen running organizers, which is organized by the city of Tübingen.
Arne Gabius at the Frankfurt Marathon

Well-known athletes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Post-SV Tübingen eV - Association database Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  2. Information LAV Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  3. A little history. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  4. ^ Articles of Association Post-SV Tübingen. (PDF) April 3, 2019, accessed on August 4, 2019 .
  5. Post-SV Tübingen has a new board team. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  6. Communications. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  7. Hansjörg Lösel: Triathlon: Mey Generalbau becomes the name sponsor of the league team of the Post-SV Tübingen. February 25, 2016, accessed August 4, 2019 .
  8. Bundesliga. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  9. ^ Mey Post-SV Tübingen - Triathlon Bundesliga. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  10. 1. Bitburger 0.0% Triathlon Bundesliga - Triathlon Bundesliga. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  11. ↑ State League. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  12. Our run and NW meeting. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  13. Post-SV running group awarded with DLV certificate "Very good". In: itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen. April 25, 2018, accessed on August 4, 2019 (German).
  14. Information LAV Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  15. Running / Nordic Walking. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  16. Fitness. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  17. Hikes. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  18. What - When - Where. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  19. We make sports badges. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  20. Current youth. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  21. That's what the Post-SV does. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  22. Sports badges for children. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  23. 2018 - another successful year for the German sports badge at Post-SV Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  24. 2018 - another successful year for the German sports badge at Post-SV Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  25. Statistics. Retrieved on August 4, 2019 (German).
  26. Test run for the Nikolauslauf - 43rd itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen. In: itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen. Retrieved on August 4, 2019 (German).
  27. Every second Post-SV member helps out with the Nikolauslauf. In: itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen. May 4, 2018, accessed on August 4, 2019 (German).
  28. helper. In: Tübingen Heritage Run. Retrieved on August 4, 2019 (German).
  29. Meydays archives. In: Triathlon - Mey Generalbau. Retrieved on August 4, 2019 (German).
  30. 5th Mey Generalbau Triathlon 2019: The sport of triathlon has arrived in Tübingen! Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  31. Happy Post-SV "Sandflitzer" in the 100 km relay race. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  32. ^ University sports at the University of Tübingen. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  33. ^ Members list. In: German Road Races. Retrieved on August 4, 2019 (German).
  34. Tübingen runs in 2019. In: itdesign-Nikolauslauf Tübingen. January 28, 2019, accessed on August 4, 2019 (German).