Potocki-Shaffer Syndrome

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Classification according to ICD-10
Q93 Autosome monosomies and deletions, not elsewhere classified
Q93.5 Other deletions of a part of a chromosome
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The Potocki-Shaffer syndrome ( English Potocki-Shaffer syndrome ) is a very rare genetically caused syndrome in humans that causes various changes in the skeletal system . The cause is a chromosome mutation with deletion of several neighboring genes in section 11p11.2 on chromosome 11 .

Synonyms in the Anglo-American literature are chromosome 11p11.2 deletion syndrome , P11pDS and proximal 11p deletion syndrome .

The disorder as a syndrome was first described in 1996 by L. Potocki and LG Shaffer.


The frequency ( prevalence ) of the syndrome is given as less than 1: 1,000,000.

By 2006, 23 patients from 14 families had been described. As of October 2012, fewer than 100 cases had been reported.

root cause


The majority of cases are caused by a deletion of the chromosome segment during the formation of the parental gametes , i.e. sperm or egg cells , or during the early fetal development of the child. It is less common for the person affected to inherit the disorder from a parent. In these cases the disorder follows an autosomal dominant inheritance .

Affected genes

Potocki-Shaffer syndrome is caused by deletion of part of chromosome 11 . On its short arm, proximally (close to the centromere ) is the area 11p11.2 , on which various genes are arranged:

Presumably, other genes in the same chromosome segment are involved in Potocki-Shaffer syndrome.

Clinical phenomena

The Potocki-Shaffer syndrome is characterized by numerous exostoses , parietal foramina (additional openings in the parietal bone ), enlarged anterior fontanels and occasionally reduced intelligence and developmental delays as well as slight craniofacial anomalies ( malformations of the facial skull ), including short-headedness ( brachycephaly ), pronounced nasal ridge , Shortened distance between nose and mouth (narrow philtrum ), drooping corners of the mouth.

Sometimes there is also a permagna parietal foramina .

The rare symptoms of the syndrome include impaired vision and malformations of the heart , kidneys and other urinary organs .

Very rarely, the exostoses can degenerate into malignant disease, i.e. develop into cancer .

Examination methods and treatment

Diagnosis is clinical (based on symptoms ). The genetic disorder is detected cytogenetically (by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization , FISH test ) or molecular genetic . Occasionally, it is recommended that the parents of an affected child be screened for balanced translocations to assess the risk of recurrence in later children.

It is a systematic search for visual disorders such as strabismus (Strabismus) and nystagmus recommended and after hearing disorders.

The therapy is based on the symptoms and includes elements of early intervention . A causal therapy is not known.

Sources and References

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. L. Potocki, LG Shaffer: Interstitial deletion of 11 (p11.2p12): a newly described contiguous gene deletion syndrome involving the gene for hereditary multiple exostoses (EXT2). In: American journal of medical genetics. Volume 62, Number 3, March 1996, pp. 319-325, ISSN  0148-7299 . doi : 10.1002 / (SICI) 1096-8628 (19960329) 62: 3 <319 :: AID-AJMG22> 3.0.CO; 2-M . PMID 8882796 . (Review).
  2. POTOCKI-SHAFFER SYNDROME.  In: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man . (English)