Pranciškus Ramanauskas

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Pranciškus Ramanauskas

Pranciškus Ramanauskas (born November 21, 1893 in Kudoniuose , Betygala area , Raseiniai district , † October 15, 1959 in Telšiai ) was a Lithuanian clergyman and Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Telšiai .


After studying at the Kaunas Priest Seminary he received on January 11, 1917 ordination . He worked in Pumpėnai (1917–1920), Raseiniai , Telšiai . After that, he was in Rome for a doctor of theology doctorate . From 1932 he taught at the Telšiai seminary as a professor of dogmatic theology and religious education and was an inspector. From 1940 to 1946 he was there rain .

On February 28, 1944 he was by Pope Pius XII. appointed auxiliary bishop in Telšiai and titular bishop of Carpasia . On April 9, 1944 Archbishop donated him of Kaunas , Juozapas Skvireckas the episcopal ordination .

In 1946 he was arrested by the Soviet authorities, sentenced to 10 years in a camp in 1947 and deported. In 1954 in Abese camp ( Komi , Russia) he secretly ordained the dissident Alfonsas Svarinskas as a priest . In July 1956 he was released from prison.


  • Kun. Kazys Žąsytis . Švėkšnos parapijos istorija. - Klaipėda: Eldija, 1993 m., P. 56.
  • Vyskupas, katechetas, katechetų ugdytojas Pranciškus Ramanauskas. - Vilnius: Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija, 2010. - 219 p .: iliustr. - Orig. Išleid. duom .: Telšiai, 1934. - ISBN 978-9986-592-61-7

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