Prehistoric Park - extinction was yesterday

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Television series
German title Prehistoric Park - extinction was yesterday
Original title Prehistoric Park
Country of production Great Britain
length 50 minutes
genre Docufiction
First broadcast July 22nd to August 26th, 2006 on ITV , Animal Planet
first broadcast
December 23, 2007 to January 1, 2008 on Pro 7

Prehistoric Park - Extinction Was Yesterday is a six-part television series in the style of a documentary by the 3D animation company Impossible Pictures , which premiered on July 22nd and October 29th, 2006 on ITV and Animal Planet. Each episode has a running time of 50 minutes.

The show is narrated in the original English by David Jason and played by Nigel Marven . The leitmotif of the series is that Nigel travels back through a time portal into different geological epochs in order to capture specimens of extinct animals living there, bring them to the present day and place them in a game reserve, the so-called Prehistoric Park, to give them a chance there to go on living. The Prehistoric Park is a huge area between mountains and sea with many different habitats. The reason for the choice of this terrain is that eruptions are stopped early by the mountains or the sea. There is also a suitable habitat for almost every animal.

main characters

  • Nigel Marven ( as himself ) - responsible for traveling back to prehistoric times in order to capture the animals and bring them through the time portal. Usually played by himself, sometimes by Jamie Campbell
  • Bob ( Rod Arthur ) - the park manager, for example responsible for building enclosures
  • Suzanne McNabb ( as herself ) - the park's veterinarian
  • Saba Douglas-Hamilton ( as herself ) - a big cat specialist who takes Nigel to prehistoric South America in episode 4 to catch a smilodon .


  • Episode 1 - Nigel travels back in time 65 million years ago to save a tyrannosaurus from extinction in prehistoric Montana . He brings two tyrannosaur babies through the portal. He also brings a young male Triceratops and a herd of ostrich-like ornithomimus into the present.
  • Episode 2 - Nigel travels back to the end of the Ice Age 10,000 years ago to save one of the last mammoths . He manages to nurse an injured mammoth healthy and protect it from the Ice Age hunters so that it can go through the portal. The mammoth later comes together with a herd of elephants. He can also save an Elasmotherium on another journey 150,000 years into the past .
  • Episode 3 - Nigel travels back to prehistoric China in the early Cretaceous 125 million years ago. He wants to bring a microraptor to the park. He manages to save four copies. In addition, to the unpleasant surprise of Bob's park manager, Nigel brings a herd of titanosaurs into the park.
  • Episode 4 - Nigel travels a million years back to prehistoric South America to catch a smilodon . He manages to bring two copies (a male and a female) into the present. He also brings the terror bird Phorusrhacos with him.
  • Episode 5 - Nigel travels back to the Carboniferous 300 million years ago to bring a giant dragonfly of the species Meganeura to the present in what is now Scotland . He also brings a giant scorpion and an arthropleura to the park.
  • Episode 6 - Nigel wants to find the giant crocodile Deinosuchus for the park. To do this, he travels 75 million years back into North America's past, to primeval Texas. He can save a full-grown specimen. Also, rather unintentionally (and to Bob's chagrin) he brings a Troodon with him into the present.


The series largely adheres to scientifically proven facts, for example the size of the animals. However, assumptions that have not yet been substantiated are presented as facts. For example, the Microraptor is assumed to be able to glide, which is still controversial in specialist circles.

See also

Web links

(these links all lead to English-language sites)