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Grgur Preljub , Serbian - Cyrillic Гргур Прељуб ; Middle Greek Γρηγόριος Πρελούμπος or Πρεάλιμπος (* around 1312; † beginning of 1356 near Trikala ) was a Serbian voivode and provincial governor in Thessaly under Tsar Stefan Uroš IV Dušan .


Preljub appears in the sources for the first time in 1344 as a military leader in the Serbian conquest of Macedonia during the Byzantine civil war . According to contemporary chroniclers, Stefan Dušan considered him his most capable general. In May 1344 he commanded a Serbian army in the battle of Stefaniana against the Turks of the Beyliks of Aydın , who with the Byzantine counter-emperor John VI. Kantakuzenos were allies. Preljub suffered a defeat, but this meant no significant setback for the Serbian expansionist efforts.

In the spring of 1348 Preljub invaded Thessaly with Albanian reinforcements, which was largely depopulated by the plague ; the Byzantine governor Johannes Angelos also fell victim to the plague. By November 1348 he had wrested most of the province from the Byzantines and Catalans of the Duchy of Neopatria . Dušan set Preljub as governor in Trikala and gave him the high dignity of an emperor . The assumption that Preljub also controlled parts of Epirus with Ioannina is no longer supported by recent research.

Emperor John VI tried in 1350 Dušan's absence during a campaign against the Kingdom of Bosnia to take advantage of the lost provinces in Macedonia and Thessaly for Byzantium. He landed with a fleet in Thessaloniki and initially conquered some Macedonian cities, but was then stopped on the advance to Thessaly by Preljub, who was able to hold the strategically important fortress Servia with 500 men . John VI had to withdraw with his relatively small force, so that Dušan then had no difficulty in taking possession of the lost terrain again by 1351.

Tsar Stefan Dušan died on December 20, 1355; only a little later, probably in early 1356, Preljub fell near Trikala in an armed clash with local Albanian tribes. His widow Irene Asanina , who was perhaps a daughter of Dušan, and their son Thomas Preljubović had to flee to Serbia before Nikephorus II Orsini , the former despot of Epirus . In 1366/67 Preljubović was installed by Simeon Uroš Palaiologos as governor of Epirus with his seat in Ioannina and after his death in 1371 he ruled de facto independently.



  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Севастократори и кесари у Српском царству . In: Зборник Филозофског факултета . Vol. 10-1, 1970, ISSN  0352-5546 , pp. 255-269 ( digitized version ), here: p. 263 f.
  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Тесалија у XIII и XIV веку (= Посебна издања . Vol. 15). Византолошки институт САНУ, Београд 1974, pp. 228-231.
  • John Van Antwerp Fine: The Late Medieval Balkans: A critical Survey from the late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor MI 1994, ISBN 0-472-08260-4 .
  • Constantin Jireček : History of the Serbs. Vol. 1: Until 1371. Perthes, Gotha 1911 (reprinted by Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam 1967), pp. 385-415 passim .
  • Donald M. Nicol : The Despotate of Epiros 1267-1479. A contribution to the history of Greece in the middle ages. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, ISBN 0-521-26190-2 , pp. 130-131, 134, 139-140, 149.
  • George Christos Soulis: The Serbs and Byzantium during the Reign of Tsar Stephen Dušan (1331-1355) and his Successors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington DC 1984, ISBN 0-88402-137-8 , pp. 24, 76.
  • Erich Trapp , Hans-Veit Beyer, Ioannes G. Leontiades, Sokrates Kaplaneres: Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit . 10. Fascicle: Πετούσσα - Σιχούη (= publications of the Commission for Byzantine Studies . Vol. 1/10). Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-7001-1775-2 , p. 67 No. 23720.


  1. See PLP 10, p. 67.
  2. See Soulis, Serbs , p. 24.
  3. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 304.
  4. See Nicol, Despotate , p. 130.
  5. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , pp. 310, 320; Soulis, Serbs , pp. 35, 108, 110.
  6. See Soulis, Serbs , p. 108 f.
  7. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 324; Soulis, Serbs , pp. 44-47, 111.
  8. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 346; Soulis, Serbs , p. 111.
  9. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , pp. 346–347; Soulis, Serbs , pp. 111-114, 237.
  10. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 351.