Sample nostis

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Probe nostis is an encyclical written by Pope Gregory XVI. It is dated September 18, 1840 and is subtitled "On the Spread of the Faith", essentially the Pope addresses successful missionary work around the world.

The encyclical has six main focuses:

  • The Pope denounces the campaign against the Church, which he sees as being led by heretics ;
  • He praises the victory supported by Jesus Christ in the mission countries;
  • The Pope declares this to be a triumph of missionary work and the Church ;
  • He expresses the grief of the new martyrs executed for the faith in this time;
  • Gregory XVI. praises and welcomes the new associations, initiatives and religious orders that have been founded for mission and would work for this;
  • Ultimately, the Pope praises the spread of faith and its work, that this progress is connected with the Blessed Mother in faith and love .

Web links

Text of the encyclical