Commissum divinitus

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Commissum divinitus is an encyclical from Pope Gregory XVI. , it dates from May 17, 1835 and bears the subtitle “On Church and State”, whereby he focused on the situation in Switzerland .


The ecclesiastical and political liberalism that emerged in the years 1830–1848 also led to conflicts between church and state in Switzerland . Attempts by leading liberal forces to reinforce the anti-clerical movements led to sharp clashes between liberals and conservatives . The reorganization of the dioceses , the question of the monasteries and the Jesuit order moved into the center of these disputes . In 1834 liberal cantons passed the Baden Articles .

Against liberalism

Pope Gregory XVI condemned the Baden session as an attack against church power and called the Baden articles heretical machinations. He remembered Jesus Christ , who transferred religious and secular power to the church and not to the civil authorities. In his closing remarks he called on the bishops to enforce their authority in discipline and piety and again emphasized the central apostolic rights and the primacy of papal order and justice.

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