Proboscidea spicata

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Proboscidea spicata
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Chamois horn family (Martyniaceae)
Genre : Proboscidea
Type : Proboscidea spicata
Scientific name
Proboscidea spicata

Proboscidea spicata is a species of the genus Proboscidea from the chamois horn family( Martyniaceae ). She comes from the New World .



Proboscidea spicata lives as a summer annual and arises from a strong taproot . The stem grows lying on top.

Vegetative characteristics

The leaves grow opposite to half-opposite, the stem is up to 10 cm long. The leaf blade is broadly ovate and up to 12 cm long, the tip of the leaf is rounded, the base of the leaf is heart-shaped and even to uneven, and the leaf edge is smooth to wavy.

Generative characteristics

The inflorescence is multi-flowered and towers above the foliage, the stem is up to 20 cm long. The bracts are narrow-elongated. The flower stalks are up to 15 mm long. The prophylls are lanceolate and 5 mm long, the sepals are 12-14 mm long, the sepals are free-standing to 30% of their length. The corolla is 45 mm long and colored pink on the inside and purple on the outside. On the inside of the corolla there are magenta spots that run in two rows along the bottom of the tube, as well as yellow sap marks . The flowering period lasts from June to July .

Since neither fruits nor seeds have been collected so far, no description is available for either.


Proboscidea spicata grows in West Texas and Mexico .


Proboscidea spicata was first described in 1968 by the American botanist Donovan Stewart Correll . The assignment as an independent species has not yet been established; it may be identical to Proboscidea fragrans .


  • Raul Gutierrez: A Phylogenetic Study of the Plant Family Martyniaceae (Order Lamiales). Dissertation, Arizona State Univ., December 2011, online (PDF; 41.7 MB), at ASU Digital Repository.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Raul Gutierrez: A Phylogenetic Study of the Plant Family Martyniaceae (Order Lamiales). Pp. 205 & 206.