Protests in Khabarovsk 2020
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date | from July 11, 2020 |
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root cause | The incumbent governor Sergei Furgal is arrested |
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The protests in the Russian region of Khabarovsk began on July 11, 2020 Khabarovsk , Komsomolsk-on-Amur , Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and other cities of the region, also in Novosibirsk , Vladivostok and Omsk , against the arrest of the governor Sergei Furgal .
The inhabitants of Far Eastern Russia have been left behind for many years by the western part of Russia. The geographical location hardly enables the residents to travel to the European part of Russia, and there are also economic regulations from Moscow that the citizens dislike.
In 2018, Sergei Furgal ( LDPR ) won the election of the governor of the Khabarovsk region and beat the candidate of the party “ United Russia ”. The politician quickly gained great popularity among citizens because of the cut in diets, including his own, and because of the downsizing of some regional authorities. He was also known for an austerity policy to the detriment of politicians.
In 2019, the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Khabarovsk Oblast ended with the defeat of the pro-government party.
On July 9, 2020, the current governor of the region, Sergei Furgal, was arrested by OMON troops and taken to Moscow on the same day . Later, it became known that the detention was linked to a criminal case 15 years ago under the articles on the organization of murders. With regard to Furgal, possible involvement in other crimes is also being examined.
On July 10, 2020, Moscow's Basmanny Court ordered the suspect in the Furgal murders to be arrested for two months. The trial was not public.
It was later revealed that the defense was seeking to appeal the decision to arrest.
The townspeople protested against Putin's party and for the release of Furgal. All sorts of members of the opposition and their supporters from different political directions came together. Furgal was particularly praised for its active social policy and the cutting of diets . The protesters also demand that an open trial for Furgal should take place in Khabarovsk in order to ensure greater transparency for the people.
In response to the protests, President Putin appointed Deputy Mikhail Degtyarev as governor on July 20, 2020.
The first protests took place on July 10, the day after Furgal was arrested on July 9.
According to estimates by the Interior Ministry, on July 11th, 10-12 thousand people took part in the protests in Khabarovsk. The Kommersant newspaper mentioned 30–35 thousand people “according to various sources”.
On July 12, two thousand people took part in uncoordinated actions in support of Governor Sergei Furgal in Khabarovsk and between 300 and 500 people in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. On the evening of July 12, the third unauthorized protest in support of Furgal took place in the center of Khabarovsk, in which up to three thousand people took part.
The protests take place together with the Internet campaign “I / We Sergei Furgal”.
On July 12, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev - arrived in Khabarovsk, who assessed the work organization of the leadership of the region as poor and said of the protests that “people are right to have their views express ".
Approved meetings with the aim of liberating Furgal have been held since July 19, 2020.
The situation in Khabarovsk has worsened since the highly controversial and non-resident LDPR politician Mikhail Degtyarev was appointed governor on July 20, 2020. Many people criticized the governor's statements and, since Degtyarev's arrival, directed the protests directly against him. Degtyarev, on the other hand, claims that the demonstrations are a “wrong way” of communication and that they were instigated by foreign citizens. Therefore, he tried to avoid the concerns of the protesters and themselves.
The particularly active protester Stanislaw Smolensky, who drove the Furgalomobile , a converted bus with pictures and slogans in favor of Furgal, was sentenced to eight days in prison on July 28th. Another protester from Khabarovsk, who called for active protest on YouTube , was also convicted.
Supporters of the protests have also been demonstrating in western Russia since the end of July. Since the police in Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod and Saint Petersburg are taking much stricter action against any protests, the participants are feeding pigeons as a sign of solidarity with the Khabarovsk core. Nevertheless, the authorities stop the peaceful protesters for no reason and arrest some of them.
On August 1, according to the authorities, another 3,500 people took to the streets to protest for the imprisoned ex-governor, although demonstrations were not allowed in Russia due to the COVID-19 pandemic .
At the end of August, the number of participants in the protests began to drop dramatically; on August 22, 2020, there were only 1,500 demonstrators on site, on July 12, there were still 12,000. The main reason given is the increased attentiveness to the protests in Belarus . Demonstrators from both protests are increasingly socializing with each other, as their regionally independent ideas and goals are similar.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Биробиджан присоединился к акциям протеста в поддержку Сергея Фургала . 18 July 2020. "В Биробиджане вслед за Хабаровском и Владивостоком состоялась несанкционированная акция в поддержку арестованного губернатора Хабаровского края Сергея Фургала ."
- ↑ Жители Дальнего Востока вновь вышли на акции в поддержку Фургала . 25 July 2020. "Несанкционированные митинги и шествия в поддержку арестованного губернатора Хабаровского края Сергея Фургала проходят в субботу в Хабаровске , Владивостоке и Южно-Сахалинске, передали корреспонденты агентства" Интерфакс "."
- ↑ Video on YouTube
- ↑ На площади Ленина новосибирцы устроили акцию в поддержку задержанного губернатора кХабаровскаяго . July 18, 2020. Accessed July 19, 2020.
- ↑ Омичи вышли на несогласованную акцию в поддержку хабаровского губернатора . Retrieved July 19, 2020.
- ↑ В Якутске прошла акция в поддержку Сергея Фургала . July 25, 2020.
- ↑ "От Амура до Байкала выступаем за Фургала": несогласованные акции в поддержку протестов в Хабаровске прошли в Сибири . July 25, 2020.
- ↑ Несколько десятков тысяч хабаровчан вышли на митинг в поддержку Фургала. Они заполнили всю центральную улицу . July 18th, 2020. "Число участников больше, чем на первом, ставшим самым массовым за историю горорию города, митинде 11. По разным оценкам, собравшихся было от 50 до 80 тысяч человек. "
- ↑ a b В Хабаровске арестовали водителя «Фургаломобиля». Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ a b Суд в Хабаровске на 7 суток арестовал блогера Алексея Романова, который на YouTube-канарый на YouTube-канале канарт освещал канале освещал. Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ a b Акции в поддержку Сергея Фургала 8 августа 2020 года и задержания на них. Онлайн. Retrieved August 12, 2020 .
- ^ A b Large demonstration in Khabarovsk Thousands demand the release of Furgal. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .
- ↑ Khabarovsk challenges the Kremlin
- ↑ a b Protests against the Kremlin in Khabarovsk Industrial accident in the Far East After the arrest of their governor, the Khabarovsk people take to the streets. It is a new kind of protest that has left the Kremlin at a loss - and a previously strangely mild response. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .
- ↑ "Это провал тактики Кремля": чего ждать после субботней акции протеста в Хабаровске Выбранная Кремлем тактика реагирования на массовые протесты , вызванные арестом хабаровского губернатора, не только неэффективна, но и опасна: протесты могут распространиться за пределы региона, говорят опрошенные Forbes политологи. По их мнению, власти оказались в непростой, но не безвыходной ситуации. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .
- ↑ Губернатор Хабаровского края опроверг информацию о миллионной зарплате . ТАСС . Retrieved February 17, 2019.
- ↑ В Хабаровском крае сократят должность вице-губернатора в целях экономии . РИА Новости . October 23, 2019. Accessed July 17, 2020.
- ↑ Кто из дальневосточных чиновников самый экономный . Российская газета. Retrieved July 17, 2020.
- ↑ a b Путин назначил депутата Госдумы Михаила Дегтярева губернатором Хабаровского края. Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ В Хабаровске проходит несогласованная акция в поддержку губернатора края Фургала (Rus.)
- ↑ В Хабаровске проходит вторая несанкционированная акция в поддержку Сергея Фургала (Rus.)
- ↑ Акция протеста против ареста Фургала стала самой массовой в истории Хабаровска (Rus.)
- ↑ Video - Жители Владивостока вышли на митинг в поддержку Фургала (Russian)
- ↑ Трутнев заявил о плохой работе властей Хабаровского края . July 13, 2020. Retrieved July 18, 2020. (Russian)
- ↑ Жители Дальнего Востока девятый день подряд выходят на акции из-за Фургала. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .
- ↑ Михаил Дегтярев: к организации протестов в Хабаровске причастны иностранные граждане. Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ Дегтярев заявил о причастности иностранцев к протестам в Хабаровском крае. Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ «Не выйду». Новый глава Хабаровского края отказался встречаться с митингующими жителями. Accessed July 31, 2020 .
- ↑ Около 1000 человек "покормили голубей» в центре Владивостока - после акции двоих участников задержали . 18th July 2020.
- ↑ В Москве вместе с активистами, шедшими подавать обращения в Генпрокуратуру, задержали люхей., Люхей., Люхей. Retrieved August 12, 2020 .
- ↑ Protests in the east of Russia do not end. In: . August 1, 2020, accessed August 12, 2020.
- ↑ Как протесты в Беларуси устранили митинги в Хабаровске Массовые волнения на Дальнем Востоке вернутся при одном условии. Retrieved August 25, 2020 .
- ↑ Беларусь! Хабаровск рядом! Игорь Яковенко: Протестный юмор в Минске и Хабаровске - сходство и различия. Retrieved August 25, 2020 .