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Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Snail moth (Limacodidae)
Subfamily : Limacodinae
Genre : Pseudiragoides
Scientific name
Solovyev & Witt , 2009

Pseudiragoides is a genus of butterflies from the family of the snail moth (Limacodidae).


The moths are medium-sized, monochrome and have a brownish base color. The antennae of the males are 2/3 as long as the costa of the fore wings, double combed and have short side branches (rami). The fore wings are elongated, the costa is slightly concave . There is an indistinct spot in the disc area. The vein R 5 of the fore wing is stalked with the veins R 3 and R 4 . The medial artery is developed, but not branched distally .

In the genitals of the males, the uncus is simple, small and provided with a large apical spur. The gnathos is well developed and becomes a little slimmer distally . The valves are elongated and have small saccular appendages with strong apical spurs. The Transtillae are strong, the Juxta is flattened. The aedeagus is slender and has two caudadic ribbon-shaped apical processes.

The representatives of the genus are habitually similar to those of the genus Iragoides Hering, 1931, but the apex of the forewings is not pointed. The antennae of the males are longer and the moths are monochrome. The valves of the males have saccular appendages with apical spurs. The aedeagus has two apical processes.

The following apomorphies are assumed for the genus : on the one hand, the well-developed sacculus of the male valves with short saccular appendages that have apically large spurs, and on the other hand, the aedeagus with two caudadic ribbon-like appendages .


The species of the genus have so far been detected in eastern China and northern Vietnam.

Systematics and Etymology

The genus was named because of the habitual similarity of its representatives with the genus Iragoides Hering, 1931. Pseudiragoides spadix Solovyev & Witt, 2009, was determined as the type species of the genus .

The following types are currently known:


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Alexey Solovyev, Thomas J. Witt (2009): The Limacodidae of Vietnam (Lepidoptera). Entomofauna Supplement 16, p. 178
  2. Alexey Solovyev, Thomas J. Witt (2011): Two new species of Pseudiragoides SOLOVYEV & WITT, 2009 from China (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Entomological Journal 121 (1), pp. 36-38

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