Pterigynandrum filiforme

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Pterigynandrum filiforme
Pterigynandrum filiforme (d, 144649-474840) 3141.JPG

Pterigynandrum filiforme

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Pterigynandraceae
Genre : Pterigynandrum
Type : Pterigynandrum filiforme
Scientific name
Pterigynandrum filiforme

Pterigynandrum filiforme ( Fädiges Zwirnmoos or Faden-Zwirnmoos ) is a deciduous moss species from the family Pterigynandraceae .


The almost thread-shaped plants form yellow-green, flat lawns that are pressed against the substrate. The creeping main trunks are irregularly branched, the secondary trunks and branches slender and catkin-shaped leaves. The adjacent to upright, sometimes one-sided leaves are oval and short-pointed, hollow, the leaf margins sawn at the top, the short leaf vein usually double or, more rarely, single.

The lamina cells are elongated, diamond-shaped and thick-walled; on the underside of the leaf the upper cell ends are formed into high protruding papillae. Leaf-wing cells are small and sub-square.

The sporophyte has an upright, cylindrical capsule with an obliquely beaten lid, a cap-shaped calyptra and a double, short peristome . The finely papillary spores measure 12 to 16 micrometers.


A var. Majus (strong shape, mostly on rock) and a var. Filiforme (smaller with thread-like long branches, mostly epiphytic) are described or distinguished from the variable species .

Distribution and location requirements

The moss is distributed around the circumference . In Central Europe it mainly inhabits forest locations in montane locations. It very often grows on the bark of hardwoods such as ash, maple or beech, more rarely on rock that is poor in lime.


Web links

Commons : Pterigynandrum filiforme  - album with pictures, videos and audio files