Publius Terentius Varro

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Publius Terentius Varro (* 82 BC in what is now southern France ; † 35 BC ) was a Roman poet. He was born in the province of Gallia Narbonensis , near the Atax river, now Aude . According to its origin, it is called Atacinus , to distinguish it from Marcus Terentius Varro , who is called Reatinus (from Reate in today's central Italy ) according to its origin .

Except for fragments, his works have been lost. He composed a panegyric epic entitled Bellum Sequanicum about Caesar's campaign against Ariovistus in 58 BC. BC as well as satires and translated the Argonautica of the Alexandrian poet Apollonios of Rhodes in four books into Latin. Other works were Chorographia (a geographic didactic poem dedicated to Virgil in three parts) and Ephemeris (a translation of part of the Phainomena des Aratos from Soloi into Latin).

His role models were Quintus Ennius and Gaius Lucilius , his own works were received by Virgil and Ovid , Pliny used chorography and Quintus of Smyrna praised the transmission of the Argonautica in the 3rd century .
