Punctelia subrudecta

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Punctelia subrudecta
Punctelia subrudecta

Punctelia subrudecta

Class : Lecanoromycetes
Subclass : Lecanoromycetidae
Order : Lecanorales
Family : Parmeliaceae
Genre : Punctelia
Type : Punctelia subrudecta
Scientific name
Punctelia subrudecta
( Nyl. ) Krog

Punctelia subrudecta ( Basionym : Parmelia subrudecta ) is a species of leaf lichen from the Parmeliaceae family that ismore common in Central Europe andgrows on tree bark.


The rosette bed of the lichen is white-gray to bluish-gray (slightly greenish when wet), sometimes with a brownish tinge, especially at the periphery. The diameter reaches up to 5 cm. At the edge slightly ascending lobe patchy be soralia adapted from whitish, punctate Pseudocyphellen emerge. At the edges there are partially border-like sorals, especially inside the camp. The underside of the thallus is usually pale. Apothecia are very rare.


Punctelia subrudecta is found in southern and central Europe (there up to an altitude of about 1000 m) and penetrates as far as southern Scandinavia. It thrives mainly on moderately to strongly acidic bark of free-standing deciduous trees, for example on fruit trees or in sparse oak stands .

As a “moderate Mediterranean” species, Punctelia subrudecta is used to monitor local climate changes by means of lichen mapping.


Web links

Commons : Punctelia subrudecta  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Norbert J. Stapper, Isabelle Franzen-Reuter, Jan-Peter Frahm : Epiphytic lichens as indicators of effect for climate changes in the Düsseldorf area. In: Hazardous substances - cleanliness. Air. 71, No. 4, 2011, ISSN  0949-8036 , pp. 173-178.
  2. VDI 3957 sheet 20: 2017-07 Biological measurement methods for determining and assessing the effects of air pollution (biomonitoring); Mapping of lichens to determine the effect of local climate changes (Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants (biomonitoring); Mapping of lichens to indicate local climate change). Beuth Verlag, Berlin, p. 6.