Black fish

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Black fish
Hyperoglyph perciformis

Hyperoglyph perciformis

Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Scombriformes
Family : Black fish
Scientific name
Bonaparte , 1846

The black fish (Centrolophidae), also called black mackerel or jellyfish , belong to the order Scombriformes . They live in all tropical and temperate parts of the world's oceans , with the exception of the central Indian Ocean and the central Pacific . The black fish ( Centrolophus niger ) is the only " medusa fish-like " in the cold North Atlantic (near Iceland ), the genus Icichthys the only "medusa-like" genus in the North Pacific (near Alaska ).


They are laterally flattened, often high-backed animals. The head is scaly and pore-rich. They are usually gray, brown or dark green in color. Their eyes are often golden. The mouth is small to medium-sized, but reaches at least under the eye. The teeth are small, conical and sit in a row. Vomer and palate are toothless. The dorsal fin is continuous. Either there are zero to five weak hard rays in front , which gradually lead to the soft rays (in the first three genera), or in front there are 5 to 9 short spines without connection to the dorsal fin (in the last three genera). The anal fin has three hard and 12 to 38 soft rays. Characteristic (at least) of the Stromateidae and Centrolophidae are the so-called "pharyngeal sacs", pharyngeal enlargements of the uppermost esophagus with tooth or branchioctenia-like formations that serve to manipulate food, but have not been well studied.

Young fish live in the protection of jellyfish or driftwood. The old animals are also often hidden in flotsam, seaweed or shipwrecks. Schedophilus medusophagus lives up to a depth of 600 meters above ground overgrown with gorgonians .

Black fish eat small fish, salps , jellyfish, hydrozoans and crabs .


There are 31 species in seven genera:

Black fish (
Centrolophus niger )
Hyperoglyph antarctica
Icichthys lockingtoni
Schedophilus maculatus
Seriolella caerulea


Web links

Commons : Centrolophidae  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files