Squeeze paua
Squeeze paua | |
![]() Quetschenpaua live on a Yorck59 demo |
General information | |
origin | Berlin |
Genre (s) | Punk , songwriter |
founding | 1989 |
resolution | 1994 |
Founding members | |
Yok squeezing paua |
Quetschenpaua was a Berlin one-person music project from 1989 to 1994 by the musician Yok (* 1962 in Itzehoe ) , who came from the anti-nuclear movement and the autonomous left . The name is derived from squeeze for accordion and the pronunciation of English power . He has been performing under the name Yok since 2004 .
A trademark is its spelling: For example, he exchanged every “j” for a “y” . So he came from Jörg to Yörg . He put this "quirk" down at the end of 2012.
Yok was born in Itzehoe in 1962 . He has a sister who is five years older than him. His mother is a nurse and his father is an electrician. In school, he achieved his secondary school leaving certificate with great difficulty and , after two years of community service in a children's home for social orphans, completed a 3-year teacher training course in Hamburg . With that done, Yok moved to Berlin. There he got into the music scene through the anti-nuclear movement and the autonomous left and gave live performances from 1984. In 1989 Yok founded the one-man band Quetschenpaua. Under this name Yok made live punk music and songwriting until 1994 and released eight music cassettes .
In 1995 Yok founded the band Tod und Mordschlag , which also included Uwe (guitar), Ernie (bass) and Christian (drums). Yok also makes punk and songwriting with death and murder . By the time they were dissolved in 1999, the four of them would complete 120 concerts with various guest musicians and release six CDs.
From 2001 to 2012 Yok was part of the cabaret and music theater collective Revolte Springen das 2003 with the production Freiheit satt! debuted . Since 2006 he has also appeared as a duo under the name Yok'n'hell , later as a four-way option . Under this name he has released three more albums and one single to date. Since 2004 there have also been solo appearances under the name Yok-pocketpunk , which he does not want to see as a revival of Quetschenpaua . On May 7, 2010, Yok performed at the Ya-Basta meeting in the AU , an autonomous center in Frankfurt am Main . Since May 2016, however, Yok says he has had fewer appearances because he is writing his "auto (noun) biography".
In addition to his own songs, Yok also processes foreign compositions such as London's Burnin ' by The Clash as Q-Damm's Börnin or TNT by AC / DC to German folk songs and melodies from the French musette and chanson tradition. In his texts he described the (Berlin) autonomous and squatters scene, such as in Liselotte Meyer Part 2 .
Yok as a taxi driver
Yok has been a taxi driver in Berlin since the late 1990s. He describes his experiences in the series Taxi History of the Month , which was published in the book Punkrocktarif (published by Gegen_Kultur Verlag) in 2012. Hanna Poddig wrote a review about this:
- “With this booklet, the relatively young Gegenkultur-Verlag provides an insight into the everyday life of a taxi driver. What may seem apolitical and boring at first glance turns out to be an exciting and authentic insight into the realities of life and the abysses of Berlin. Taxi driver Yok, better known to most as a musician under the name Quetschenpaua, takes the reader into the madness of everyday life. Many of the short episodes in which he describes what he encounters on the streets of Berlin are about racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia. The anecdotes reflect, as absurd as that may sound, how versatile taxi driving can be on the same routes. Boring encounters, exciting debates, strange celebrities, sometimes more sometimes less sympathetic criminals, the same questions from passengers about whether the driver is a real German, the perplexed reactions, then called racist and not being taken away. Yok describes all of this in his stories. "
Music cassettes
- Folk culture from Veinsten (1990)
- Yok Quetschenpaua: Terror Penguin Music (Live Berlin, December 19, 1990)
- Yok Quetschenpaua: ... doesn't play the violin (Come to the Autonomous) (Live 1991)
- Groan and down (1992)
- Quetschenpaua: Monsters, UFOs, Autonomous (Live im Ex, April 9, 1993) (1993)
- Quetschenpaua: And now a feat (various live recordings from 1993–1994) (1994)
- a “Solitape” with two pieces, which are also included on the “And now a feat”
- "Read first then buy" (a kind of "best of")
- The earth is flat; Death and Murder Strike (1995/96)
- Soldiers are murderers; Death and Assassination (1996/97)
- The wilderness calls "7"; Death and Murder Beat, single with 4 plays (1998)
- Rat himself who can; Death and Murder Strike (1998/99)
- State of things; Death and murder strike, concert recording (1999)
- It used to be called Quetschenpaua; from there records (1998)
- New Yok: Drum and Squeeze; from there records (2002)
- Old Yok: Black Star on a Black Background (released November 27, 2004)
- Yok: Lieselotte Meyer is alive !; from therefor records (release: May 27, 2006)
- Yok: squeeze punk / ukulele paua CD + DVD; from therefor records (release: January 5th, 2009)
- option away: if the back seat is on fire; from therefor records (release: April 2010)
- Yok: fake (pocketpunk to ukulele and squeeze); from therefor records (release: October 2010)
- option away: ... go now! ; from there records / elfenart records (release: September 2012) (also as LP)
- Yok: Stabile Notlage (released: October 2012) (also as LP)
- Yok: Helsingborg (released: May 2014) (as CD and LP (including CD))
- option way: dance that way (release: October 2015, also as LP)
- Yok: punk rock tariff. By taxi through the extreme center . Gegen_Kultur Verlag, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-943269-02-4 .
- Yok: Nothing remains. The squeezing paua autonomography . Ventil Verlag, Mainz 2019, ISBN 978-3-95575-116-6 .
Web links
- official homepage
- Literature by and about Quetschenpaua in the catalog of the German National Library
- Interview with Yok on kink records
- Jump revolt! Yok's project (2001-2012)
- Option way - Yok's current project
- [1] - Download and Listen
- [2] - Download and Listen
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Yok Quetschenpaua: What happened so far. In: pocketpunk.so36.net. Retrieved August 29, 2016 .
- ↑ Hannah Poddig review ( memento of the original from January 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . ab-dafuer-records.de (undated), accessed on July 2, 2016
personal data | |
SURNAME | Squeeze paua |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German musician from the autonomous scene |
DATE OF BIRTH | 1962 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Itzehoe |