Quintus Valerius Falto

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Quintus Valerius Falto was a Roman general in the First Punic War and consul in 239 BC. Chr.

Falto came from the Valerian family . He was praetor in 242 BC. On March 10, 241 BC, as a propaetor , he led As a representative of the injured consul Gaius Lutatius Catulus, the Roman fleet in the battle of the Aegatic Islands victorious against the Carthaginian fleet led by Hanno . Although Catulus did not take an active part in this battle, with which the decisive victory in the First Punic War was achieved, he alone was honored with a triumph . Falto also demanded a triumph, so that Catulus and Falto litigated against each other. Aulus Atilius Caiatinus , consul from 257 BC, appointed as arbitrator . BC, decided in favor of Catulus because both his imperium and his auspices were of higher importance. However, since the Fasti achieved a triumph of Falto two days after that of Catulus, on October 6, 241 BC. Chr., Record, the Senate must have granted it. In 239 BC BC he was elected consul, the following year his brother Publius Valerius Falto.



  1. a b Valerius Maximus 2, 8, 2.
  2. Fasti Triumphales 241: Q. Valerius Q. f. P. n. Falto pro pr (aetore) ex Sicilia navalem egit prid. non. Oct. a. DXII [1]