Quum catholica

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Quum catholica (or Cum catholica ) is an Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Pius IX. Which at the 26. March 1860 was published in which he the violation of the sovereignty of the Papal States after the Sardinian war condemned. The apostolic letter begins with the sentence:

"Quum Catholica Ecclesia a Christo Domino fundata et instituta, ad sempiternam hominum salutem curandam, perfectae societatis formam vi divinae suae institutionis obtinuerit, ea proinde libertate pollere debet, ut in sacro suo ministerio obeundo nulli civili potestati subiaceat."

“Since the Catholic Church, founded and laid out by Christ to care for the eternal well-being of men, acquired the shape of a perfect society by virtue of its divine establishment, it should therefore enjoy such freedom that it does not have any in the performance of its sacred service would be subject to civil power. "

- Pii IX Pontificis Maximi Acta, pars prima, vol. III


A few days before the Apostolic Letter, referenda were held in the cities of the Papal State occupied by the Kingdom of Sardinia (March 11, 1860), Forum Livii (March 1860) and Bononia (March 11 and 12, 1860) . The cities were annexed by the Kingdom of Sardinia .

The Pope accuses the Sardinian conquerors and their followers of having bribed the population with funds and weapons in the referendums. Pope Pius IX imposed on the conquerors and their accomplices. the spell .

Justification of the Pope's worldly power

Pope Pius IX traces back to Divine Providence that after the collapse of the Roman Empire and its division into several states, the Pope was given secular rule. Even if the Papal State is by its nature secular, it is also given a spiritual character because of its sacred mission. This does not disturb him in taking all measures that contribute to the welfare of the population.

In view of the service of the Papal State for the sake of the Church, it is not surprising that the adversaries of the Church often try to destroy and disrupt it with various machinations and attempts (in Latin : “ mirum non est, quod Ecclesiae ipsius hostes persaepe illum [Principatum] convellere et labefactare multiplici insidiarum et conatuum genere contenderint ”). As a result of God's assistance, these designs failed.

In our deplorable times one does not fall back on open violence, but on false and fatal principles as well as malicious incitement of revolt (in Latin : " falsis aeque ac perniciosis principiis callide inductis, ac popularibus motibus malitiose excitatis ").

The role of the Kingdom of Sardinia

Pope Pius IX condemns the special part in the underhand machinations that the Kingdom of Sardinia has. For more information on the damage done by the Kingdom of Sardinia to the Church, its rights and its servants, Pope Pius IX refers. on the allocation sample memineritis of January 22, 1855 (in Latin : “ In subdolis ac perversis, quas lamentamur, machinationibus praecipuam have partem Subalpinum Gubernium, a quo pridem omnes norunt quanta et quam deploranda eo in Regno damna ac detrimenta Ecclesiae, sacrisque ique ministris fuerint inlata, de quibus in consistoriali potissimum Allocutione die XXII ianuarii MDCCCLV habita vehementer doluimus ”). The kingdom not only rejected the objections of the Pope, but also attacked the Papal States, where God founded the See of Peter for greater freedom of apostolic service. The first of the hallmarks of this attack occurred at the Paris Conference in 1856, where the reduction of the civil rule of the Pope and the authority of the Holy See was proposed by the Kingdom of Sardinia. During the Sardinian War between France and Sardinia on the one hand and the Austrian Empire on the other, the kingdom had spared no fraud or crime to incite the population of the Papal States to apostate (in Latin: “ nihil fraudis, nihil sceleris praetermissum est , ut Pontificiae Nostrae ditionis populi ad nefariam defectionem modis omnibus impellerentur ”). The instigators sent from Sardinia had given out plenty of money, delivered weapons, and distributed ominous publications and magazines. The embassy in Rome committed many deceptions, no international law and no honor were taken into account in order to unleash the revolt against the Papal States (in Latin: “ omne fraudum genus adhibitum vel ab illis, qui eiusdem Gubernii legatione Romae fungentes, nulla habita gentium iuris honestatisque ratione, proprio munere perperam abutebantur ad tenebricosas molitiones in Pontificii Nostri Gubernii perniciem agendas ”).

After the riot broke out in some provinces, the royal dictatorship was proclaimed by Sardinian accomplices and commissioners were immediately stationed by the Kingdom of Sardinia who ruled these provinces under a name that was later adopted (in Latin : “ illico per fautores regia dictatura proclamata est, statimque a Subalpino Gubernio commissarii adlecti, qui alio etiam nomine postea appellati provincias illas regendas sumerent ”).

Papal Warnings and Consequences

In two previous allocations, of June 20, 1859 ( ad gravissimum ) and September 26, 1859, the Pope had already complained about the violation and warned the culprits ( violatores ) of canonical punishments. Not only did this provoke nothing but disregard for the Kingdom of Sardinia, but the kingdom had seized the provinces by means of an unlawful referendum with funds, threats, horrors and insidious tricks (in Latin : “ Verum Subalpinum Gubernium non solum Nostra monita, querelas, et ecclesiasticas poenas contempsit, sed etiam in sua persistens improbitate, populari suffragio pecuniis, minis, terrore aliisque callidis artibus contra omne ius extorto, minime dubitavit commemoratas Nostras provincias redadere, occupare, etination in suamque potestig domere “). The Pope has no words to describe such a nefarious crime that involves several others. He calls these acts a grave outrage that violates other rights against natural and divine law, nullifies justice, and completely shatters the foundations of any state and human society.


In the end, Pope Pius IX imposed. to ignite the ban on all participants in the uprising, in the conquest and occupation of the papal provinces, and on all who order such a thing, all who help or advise anyone, and all followers or wrongdoers . This also applies to all those involved, without exception, to whom any privileges, favor or indults from Pius IX. or its predecessors.

Pope Pius IX includes excerpts from the book of Ezekiel ( XXXIII, 11 ) and from the Gospel according to Luke ( XIX, 10 ), which deal with the conversion and liberation of the sinful and neglected. He implores God's mercy so that He may be the one Pope Pius IX. could not avoid to banish, illuminate with the light of His divine grace and bring them back on the path of salvation (in Latin : “ In humilitate cordis Nostri ferventissimis precibus Ipsius misericordiam sine intermissione imploramus et exposcimus, ut eos omnes, in quos ecclesi co severasticaritatem poen sumus, divinae suae gratiae lumine propitius illustret, atque omnipotenti sua virtute de perditionis via ad salutis tramitem reducat ”).

In the end, Pope Pius IX, insofar as the relevant work cannot be published everywhere safely, determines the places where the document is to be displayed, namely the Lateran Basilica , St. Peter's Basilica , the seat of the General Curia Mons Citatorius , the apostolic chancellery and the entrance to Place Florae Campus .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Les actes pontificaux cités dans l'cyclique et le syllabus du 8 December 1864: suivis de divers autres documents , Quum catholica on p. 412-421 of the book

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