Novos et ante

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Novos et ante is an allocation by Pope Pius IX. which was published September 28, 1860 .

It is a speech by the Pope in front of the College of Cardinals during a violation of the sovereignty of the papal state during the Italian Risorgimento . The allocation begins with the sentence:

"Novos et ante hunc diem inauditos ausus a Subalpino Gubernio contra Nos, hanc Apostolicam Sedem, et Catholicam Ecclesiam admissos denuo cum incredibili animi Nostri dolore vel moerore potius deplorare ac detestari cogimur, Venerabiles Fratres."

"We are compelled to lament and condemn the new and unheard-of to this day, Venerable Brothers, the new and unheard-of cheekiness perpetrated by the Kingdom of Sardinia against us, this Apostolic See and the Catholic Church, with incredible suffering and deep sadness of our spirit."

- Pii IX Pontificis Maximi Acta, pars prima, vol. III


In the allocation, the Pope opposes the Sardinian attack on the papal provinces of Umbria and Picenum ( Marche ) in September 1860 and condemns it and the violation of the universal law of the peoples (in Latin : “ universale gentium ius ”). He continues to deplore the principle of non-interference imposed by Napoléon III. is used as a pretext for not keeping his promise to the Papal States without mentioning the name of the French emperor. The allocation thus serves as the basis for the condemnation of the 61st error in the Syllabus errorum .


In 1859 the populations of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany , the Duchy of Modena and the Duchy of Parma rebelled against their rulers during and after the Sardinian War .

In March 1860, in the cities of the Papal States occupied by the Kingdom of Sardinia, Ariminum , Forum Livii and Bononia Referenda were held dealing with the Apostolic Exhortation Quum catholica .

The conquest of Italy

According to the Pope's words, the Kingdom of Sardinia, by mistreating its great and militant nation, extended its power over Italy against all divine and human laws , inciting peoples to rise and overthrowing legitimate princes. The countries of the Papal States in the province of Ämilien were also attacked. Despite the outrage it caused in the Catholic world, the Sardinian government laid claim to the provinces of Umbria and Picenum. However, since their population lived peacefully, loyal to the Papal States and refused to be bribed by ample funds (in Latin : “ earum provinciarum populos omni perfrui tranquillitate eosque Nobis fideliter adhaerere nec posse pecuniis largiter profusis aliisque improbis adhibitis dolis a legitimo Nostro […] ac divelli ”), a number of depraved people (perditorum hominum) were sent to these provinces to incite the population to rebellion. Troops were also dispatched shortly afterwards.

The papal troops

In a letter to the Cardinal for Public Affairs, the Sardinians announced that they would occupy the provinces of the Papal States as long as the foreigners who served in the Pope's army are not recalled. Pope Pius IX describes this letter. as shameless (in Latin : impudentes litterae ). The rebuke directed against the Papal States is all the more astonishing as, as is well known, no legitimate state can be denied the right to co-opt foreigners into its own troops (in Latin: nulli legitimo Gubernio denegari unquam posse ius cooptandi in suas copias exteros homines ). This right is all the more valid in relation to the papal state, as the Pope, as the father of all Catholics, is unable to reject those who, encouraged by religious zeal to fight in the papal troops and want to contribute to the defense of the church. The influx of Catholics in the Papal States to fight appreciates the pope as the arrogance of the attackers caused (in Latin: excitatum illorum improbitate, qui huius civilem Sanctae Sedis principatum aggressi sunt ). Pope Pius IX describes the attack on the Papal States. as godless, unjust aggression (in Latin: impia iniusta aggressio ) that shook the entire Catholic world (in Latin: luctu universus catholicus orbis fuerit commotus ). With a peculiar malevolence, the Kingdom of Sardinia dared to vilify those soldiers called mercenaries ( mercenarii ), although many of the local and foreign soldiers were of noble descent, came from illustrious families and were only touched by religious zeal, without any payment in the papal army would have wanted to fight (in Latin: Singulari autem malignitati Subalpinum Gubernium Nostris militibus mercenarii notam per summam calumniam inurere minime veretur, cum non pauci ex indigenis exterisque Nostris militibus nobili genere nati, et illustrium familiarum nomine conspicui s, ac ullo emolumento in Nostris copiis militare voluerint. ).

Hostilities on the soil of the Papal States

When the Sardinian troops advanced into the papal provinces, they were not suspected of their hostile aims, especially since they asserted that they were supposedly aiming to drive out rebels (in Latin : " asseveratum esset, Subalpinas copias prope territorium Nostrum accessisse [...] ut inde perturbatorum turmas arcerent "). Therefore, the commander-in-chief of the papal troops could not have guessed that he would be forced to battle the Sardinians, who were superior in numbers and weapons to the papal army. When he was aware of this, he made the decision to withdraw to Ancona . He was intercepted on the way and forced into battle .

The Pope commemorates and pays tribute to the brave soldiers who fell in this battle, especially the chosen young men (in Latin : “ strengui milites ac lectissimi praesertim iuvenes ”) whose families are afflicted with misery. The Pope also expresses his appreciation to the presidents (praesides) of the districts of Urbinum-Pisaurum (in Picenum ) and Spoletium (in Umbria ), who have continuously and diligently performed their service.

Refutation of the Sardinian motives

The goal of the restoration of the moral order proclaimed by the Sardinians is named by Pope Pius IX. an apparent insolence and hypocrisy (in Latin : " insignis impudentia et hypocrisis "). That the moral order of all people, who triggered a bitter struggle against the Catholic Church and its servants, violated the church rules, violated censorship , eminent cardinals , bishops, but also priests imprisoned, the church robbed of its goods and the lands of the holy The Pope rejects it with moderate irony (" scilicet moralis ordinis principia ab iis restituentur, qui [...] "). In addition, Pope Pius IX accuses. the invaders the establishment of secular schools with all kinds of false teachings and all brothels (in Latin: " publicas cuiusque falsae doctrinae Scholas et etiam meretricias domos constituunt "); the offense of honor, decency, discipline and virtue as well as the contempt and laughing at the religious sacraments and institutions; the destruction of every trace of justice.

Call for help

In the midst of the hostile, terrible aggression and occupation committed against all laws of justice and international law (in Latin : “ in hac igitur tam iniusta, tam hostili et horrenda […] aggressione et occupatione a Subalpino Rege eiusque Gubernio contra omnes iustitiae leges et universale gentium ius peracta ”) condemns and rebukes Pope Pius IX. all outrageous, nefarious offenses of the Sardinian king and state, and emphasizes his authority over the occupied countries.

Pope Pius IX wants help from outside (in Latin : " alieni auxilii opem […] desideremus "), mentions the declarations of one of the most powerful rulers in Europe , which he has long been waiting for. The inconveniences caused by the Sardinian occupation in the remaining areas of the Papal States, which also prevent the exercise of some spiritual services, are listed.

Principle of non-interference and the danger of communism

The Pope castigates the fateful, sinister principle of non- interference (in Latin : "funestum ac perniciosus principium, quod vocant de non interventu "), which has recently been followed by some states, even when it is a matter of unjust aggression by one state against another . In this way, impunity, the robbery of foreign property, foreign countries against the divine and human laws would become common. It is astonishing that only the Sardinian kingdom is allowed before the eyes of Europe to violate this principle, to invade foreign countries, to overthrow the legitimate princes there. May all rulers of Europe consider what a disaster the immense violence against international law conjures up. If it is not defeated, no legitimate law could henceforth be unshakable. From this principle of rebellion, favored by the Sardinian Kingdom, it is easy to infer the extent to which any state would be threatened with danger and disaster if the fatal communism were allowed to enter (in Latin: “cum ita fatali Communismo aditus aperiatur”). The princes had to be convinced that their interests were completely linked to that of the Papal States. Pope Pius IX Do not doubt that the Catholic rulers and peoples would promptly make all their care and activity available to defend him from the murderous weapons of a degenerate son (in Latin: “ Non dubitamus autem, quin catholici praesertim Principes ac Populi omnem eorum curam et operam studiosissime conferant, ut […] Patrem et Pastorem parricidialibus degeneris filii armis oppugnatum modis omnibus adiuvare, tueri et defendere properent atque festinent ”).

See also

  • Apostolic letter Quum catholica condemning the referendums of March 1860 in three cities of the Papal States and their annexation

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Les actes pontificaux cités dans l'cyclique et le syllabus du 8 December 1864: suivis de divers autres documents , Novos et ante on pp. 414-422 of the book

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