Tube radio (broadcast)

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The tube radio - finally something else was an author's broadcast on German private radio and dealt with music and trends beyond the mainstream .


The tube radio went on air for the first time on June 6, 1993. The author and moderator was the music journalist Falk Schettler , who had applied with the broadcast idea to the radio station Antenne MV , which was then being founded . When it started broadcasting, Antenne MV became the most successful radio program in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and remained so for almost ten years. On November 22, 1997, the station celebrated the 222nd tube radio broadcast with a live party in the Stavenhagen tank house. The event was taped and excerpts broadcast on November 23, 1997. Live performances have included Tom Angel Ripper , The bride skin in the eye and Blind Passengers .

Antenne MV was one of the first German radio stations with its own internet presence. From the beginning, the tube radio's list of tracks could be read online a few minutes after the broadcast. Until the program was discontinued in December 1998, the tube radio had been broadcast about 270 times. The program management cited the commercial realignment of the station as the reason for the discontinuation of the program.

At the time the program was discontinued in 1998, the tube radio was one of the last German radio programs without a “music plan” worked out with the editorial staff . With a few exceptions, the broadcast was always on Sundays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The presenter selected the titles to be played from a pool he had prepared himself during the broadcast and had complete editorial freedom.


Young bands were able to present their CDs and demo tapes here, but established artists were also represented in the program with unusually detailed interviews, as were club operators, DJs - or authors, such as B. Jürgen Stark . The broadcast was almost exclusively live. Only the interviews with the studio guests were often recorded. An interview with Die Ärzte was recorded in Cologne , an interview with Rammstein was produced in Berlin , etc. But guests also came to the studio, such as B. Breiti von den Toten Hosen , who presented the album “ We are waiting for Christkind ” live in a Christmas program.

The high proportion of words was concept and accounted for up to 50% of the broadcast time in terms of relevance and entertainment value for the artist. The moderator took on the role of the sidekick ; the studio guest could and should speak in detail. The name of the program was originally supposed to be “ Störkanal ”, as a play on words and in allusion to the channel on whose bank the transmitter's radio house was built. However, this name appeared to the management of the house clearly too negative. The name "tube radio" then used was an idea of ​​the program director Horst Müller .


For the German record labels, the tube radio was one of the rare programs on German radio in which less mass-produced productions could be presented in detail. Celebrities such as Falco , Udo Lindenberg , Nina Hagen , Die Ärzte or Fury in the Slaughterhouse also presented their new productions on the tube radio. The Rammstein debut single Du riechst so gut was broadcast on Röhrenradio shortly after it was released in 1995, at a time when almost all German media still regarded the band as right-wing radical. The reunification of the band Pankow at the end of 1996 in the Berlin Tränenpalast was only extensively acknowledged on the tube radio. The interview was recorded backstage immediately after the band's concert and was therefore extremely authentic.

According to MA Radio , up to 50,000 listeners were counted, which is a high value for a Sunday evening in a sparsely populated state. Patron of the show was Itzehoer Versicherung , which has been promoting the live music scene with the John Lennon Talent Award since 1991 .

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