Rabben Ridge

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Rabben Ridge
location Queen Maud Land , East Antarctica
part of Mayr chain in Gjelsvikfjella
Rabben Ridge (Antarctica)
Rabben Ridge
Coordinates 71 ° 52 ′  S , 2 ° 49 ′  E Coordinates: 71 ° 52 ′  S , 2 ° 49 ′  E

Rabben Ridge is a small and isolated mountain ridge in Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica . It rises 8 km north of Stabben in the Mayr range of northern Gjelsvikfjella .

Norwegian cartographers, who called him Rabben (freely translated from Norwegian , Small Elongated Hill ), mapped him on the basis of surveys and aerial photographs of the Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1949–1952) and the same of the Third Norwegian Antarctic Expedition (1956–1960) the period between 1958 and 1959. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names transferred the name to English in 1966. The background is the Norwegian name of the same name for Mount Rabben in the Napier Mountains of the Enderbyland .

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