Rafael Schuchter

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Rafael Schuchter (born 1975 in Salzburg ) is an Austrian actor .


Schuchter's first stop as an actor was the Salzburg State Theater . He studied at the Max Reinhardt Seminar , was at the Volkstheater Vienna and the Conservatory of the City of Vienna. He then played from 1999 to 2004 as a permanent member of the ensemble at the Burgtheater in Vienna and worked with the directors Karin Beier , Declan Donellan , Karlheinz Hackl , Christina Paulhofer and Dieter Giesing . He has been working as a freelancer since 2004. He was engaged by the Volkstheater Wien (Nestroys Freiheit in Krähwinkel , Molières Amphitryon ), at the Shakespeare Festival Rosenburg ( Hamlet , The Taming of the Shrew , Much Ado About Nothing ), the Mörbisch Seefestspiele (Ralph Benatzkys Im Weiße Rössl ), at the Theater in der Kulturfabrik Helfenberg (Shakespeare's Winter Tale ) as well as at the Theater in der Josefstadt Vienna (Nestroy's Der böse Geist Lumpazivagabundus , Horváth's Youth Without God , Schnitzler's Das weite Land , Stefan Gesztis It's not so nice in psychiatry ).

For the sixth time he is working with the director Henry Mason : first at the Theater der Jugend in Vienna, where he is a regular guest (Astrid Lindgren's Mio my Mio , Michael Ende's The Neverending Story , Merry Christmas , Mr. Scrooge! ). In the summer of 2015 he played at the Salzburg Festival in Hallein Theater in the Mason production The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare .

Schuchter has worked on the TV series SOKO Donau , SOKO Kitzbühel , CopStories and Der Winzerkönig .

Rafael Schuchter is the nephew of Gabriele Schuchter and Georg Schuchter .

Filmography (selection)

Web links