Rainer Dulger

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Rainer Viktor Dulger (born February 18, 1964 in Heidelberg ) is a German entrepreneur and managing partner of the family business Prominent Dosiertechnik GmbH in Heidelberg.


Rainer Dulger is the son of Viktor Dulger and his wife Sigrid. He is married and has two children.

After elementary school, high school and military service, he studied at the University of Kaiserslautern , specializing in mechanical engineering, specializing in production engineering and precision engineering. After working at Audi AG , Ingolstadt , he did an extra-occupational doctorate at the University of Kaiserslautern between 1994 and 1998 , which he completed with a doctorate in engineering.

The non-party Rainer Dulger was a member of the 14th Federal Assembly at the suggestion of the CDU parliamentary group in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament . Dulger is a member of the Catholic student association KDSt.V. Merowingia Kaiserslautern.

Association political activity at Südwestmetall

From 2009 to 2012 Rainer Dulger was chairman of the largest German employers' association "Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry Baden-Württemberg eV" ( Südwestmetall ).

  • From November 21, 2001 to July 18, 2014: Chairman of the Rhein-Neckar district group, member of the association's board
  • From 2004 to 2012: Member of the Executive Committee
  • From 2006 to 2009: Deputy Chairman
  • From 2009 to 2012: Chairman of the association. In accordance with the statutes, he made this office available because of his election as President of Gesamtmetall.

Association political activity at Gesamtmetall

On September 14, 2012, Rainer Dulger was elected to succeed Martin Kannegiesser as President of Gesamtmetall , the umbrella organization of 21 employers' associations in the German metal and electrical industry.

Association political activity at the State Association of Baden-Württemberg Employers' Associations e. V.

On July 18, 2014, Rainer Dulger succeeded Dieter Hundt as President of the Employers Baden-Württemberg - Landesvereinigung Baden-Württembergischer Employers' Associations e. V., Stuttgart .

Further honorary positions


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rainer Dulger in the Munzinger Archive ( beginning of article freely accessible)