Ralph Hammerthaler

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Ralph Hammerthaler (born December 2, 1965 in Wasserburg am Inn ) is a German writer .


He studied in Munich , Berlin and Jena and wrote a dissertation on the political public in sociology . After eight years as an author in the features section of the Süddeutsche Zeitung , including two years as culture editor in Berlin, he began to write novels, short stories and essays as well as plays and opera libretti. His libretto Die Bestmannoper about the Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner was set to music by Alex Nowitz and premiered in 2006 in the presence of Serge and Beate Klarsfeld ; his pieces have been translated into several languages. He was guest dramaturge at the Berlin Schaubühne and he is Socio Honorario of the Teatro Sombrero Azul in Mexico City. He was a town clerk in Dresden, Rheinsberg, Prishtina and Split as well as a street clerk in Oberhausen. His literary work has received numerous awards. The Süddeutsche Zeitung praised his novel "Under Accomplices" as an "contemporary artist novel with a promising drive".




  • Zweikampf , in: Theater der Zeit, February 2018, pp. 54–64.
  • Solo entertainer, premiered on June 21, 2015 in Halle, Neues Theater (Albanian première 2018 in Prishtina).
  • a god a woman one dollar , premiered on February 25, 2013 in Munich, perT.
  • Schnappräuber , premiered on November 6, 2005 in Munich, ZKMax (Spanish première in 2008 in Mexico City; Russian première in 2010 in Omsk).
  • America is not here , premiered on December 2, 2004 in Düsseldorf, Forum Free Theater Kammerspiele.

Opera libretti

  • Die Nacht des Brokers (music by Christoph Reiserer ), premiered on February 22nd, 2010 in Munich, Muffathalle.
  • Der Schlaftöter , monodrama (music by Alex Nowitz), premiered on February 8, 2008 in Potsdam, Schiffbauergasse fabrik.
  • Moshammeroper (music by Bruno Nelissen), premiered on August 23, 2007 in Berlin, Neuköllner Oper.
  • The Bestmannoper (music by Alex Nowitz), premiered on April 8, 2006 in Osnabrück, Osnabrück Theater.

Stories, essays, biographies

  • Beyond Gaza, The middle sister, The Green Ibrahim, in: Larissa Boehning / Jörg Feßmann / Marion Neumann (eds.): Baba, how much longer are we going? Stories. Berlin: Akademie der Künste 2019, pp. 21–51, pp. 156–169, pp. 223–236. ISBN 978-3-88331-233-0
  • Market street . Oberhausen: Literaturhaus Oberhausen 2018.
  • Alexeij Sagerer. love me - repeat me, Artistic Biography. Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit 2016. ISBN 978-3-95749-086-5
  • The Bolshevik. Michael Tschesno-Hell and his DEFA films. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer Verlag 2016. ISBN 978-3865054098
  • Our buddies , in Thilo Bock / Peter Wawerzinek: The strikingly inconspicuous life of the housekeeper Hannelore Keyn in the Villa Grassimo zu Wewelsfleth. Ghost stories. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag 2016, pp. 132-133. ISBN 9783957321954
  • 16 - What matters when you are young. Rheinsberger Bogen 36. Rheinsberg: Kurt Tucholsky Literature Museum 2012.
  • Ghosts. One night in the Schauspielhaus , in: Wilfried Schulz / Harald Müller / Felicitas Zürcher (eds.): Schauspielhaus Dresden. 100 years of the Schauspielhaus. Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit 2012, pp. 315–319. ISBN 978-3-943881-01-1
  • The funny poet. 197 years dead, in: Ulrich Katzer / Wolfgang de Bruyn / Markus Wieners (eds.): Kleist or The Order of the World. Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit 2008, pp. 136–145. ISBN 9783940737137
  • Seven letters, in: Dieter Stolz (ed.): Back then behind the dike. Stories from the Alfred Döblin House. Göttingen: Steidl Verlag 2002, pp. 199–209. ISBN 978-3-88243-848-2
  • Weimar paralysis. European City of Culture 1999 - Scenic Action in Politics. Berlin: Lukas Verlag 1998. ISBN 978-3-931836-19-1
  • Theater in the GDR. Chronicle and positions. (Christa Hasche, Traute Schölling and Joachim Fiebach as authors of the chronicle.) Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1994. ISBN 978-3894872007

As editor

  • Elisabeth Schweeger: Deception is no longer a game. Thinking about theater. Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit 2008. ISBN 978-3940737229
  • Evictions. On the insolence of thinking of theater as a medium of the future. Berlin: Alexander Verlag 2000. ISBN 978-3-89581-048-0

Individual evidence

  1. Rap for the killer. Retrieved June 1, 2018 .
  2. Ralph Hammerthaler is Dresden city clerk 2011. In: dresden.de. State capital Dresden, February 3, 2011, accessed on February 3, 2017 (press release).
  3. ^ Town clerk for Rheinsberg. Retrieved June 1, 2018 .
  4. ^ Ralph Hammerthaler: Balkan Stories. Retrieved June 1, 2018 .
  5. Hammerthaler introduces himself in Split. Retrieved June 1, 2018 .
  6. Andreas Rossmann: A street writer for the pedestrian zone. In: FAZ. November 18, 2017, accessed June 1, 2018 .
  7. Meike Fessmann: How to learn to fight with goblins . In: sueddeutsche.de . September 2, 2018, ISSN  0174-4917 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed September 4, 2018]).
  8. Ralph Hammerthaler - Author's Lexicon - Literaturport.de. Retrieved April 25, 2019 .

Web links