Raymond Matzen

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Raymond Matzen (March 2014)

Raymond Matzen (born February 21, 1922 in Strasbourg , † August 8, 2014 ibid) was an Alsatian French multilingual poet and linguist.

Matzen comes from a rural and village family in Lower Alsace and grew up with the Alsatian dialect as their mother tongue. He studied German, linguistics and dialectology at the Universities of Strasbourg , Freiburg and Paris . In 1957 he passed his master's degree, in 1960 he became a research assistant at the University of Strasbourg , where he headed the Dialectological Institute.

In addition to his scientific work, Matzen also emerged as a poet. He has written numerous poems in German and French , but mostly in the Strasbourg dialect.



  • Alsatian Linguistic Atlas. ed. with Ernest Beyer. 1969.
  • Dense urchin. Poems in Strasbourg dialect. Kehl / Strasbourg / Basel 1982.
  • New Alemannic dialect poetry. Morstadt Verlag, Kehl 1983.
  • How are you? Le dialecte à la portée de tous - Vocabulaire, lexique et grammaire de l'alsacien. ed. with Léon Daul. 1993.
  • The Markgräfler Hermann Burte and the Sundgauer Nathan Katz. In: History Association Markgräflerland eV (Ed.): The Markgräfler Land. Volume 2/1999, Schopfheim 1999.
  • with Daniel Steiner: D'Güet Noochricht. Les Quatre Évangiles en Dialècte Alsacien. Éditions du Signe, 2007.
  • Georges Zink: Raymond Matzen - teacher, researcher and poet. In: Raymond Matzen: Dense isch bichte. Poems in Strasbourg dialect. Kehl / Strasbourg / Basel 1982.
  • Carola Horstmann: The browser is becoming a "Web Schnuffler". In: Badische Zeitung. November 10, 2006.

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