Rebecca Bedford

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Rebecca Bedford

Personal information
Type of disability (class): SH6
Nationality: EnglandEngland England
Birthday: May 26, 1998
last change: 2020-02-14

Rebecca Bedford (born May 26, 1998 ) is an English badminton player . She starts in Parabadminton in the starting class SH6 and has won several medals in singles, doubles and mixed at world and European championships since her first participation in a badminton world championship for the disabled in Dortmund in 2013 . She is preparing for the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo .

Athletic career

Rebecca Bedford achieved silver medals in her first international championship, the Badminton World Championship for the disabled in Dortmund in 2013 , in singles against Rachel Choong and in mixed with Jack Shephard against Choong and Andrew Martin . In 2015 in Stoke Mandeville she won gold in doubles with her partner Choong. In the singles against Choong and in mixed with Shephard against Choong and Martin she achieved silver. She also achieved this result in 2016 in Beek, the Netherlands, at the European Badminton Championships for the disabled in singles and mixed, the doubles were only held as a demonstration competition. At the 2017 World Cup in Ulsan , South Korea, Bedford won bronze in the singles. In doubles she won gold with Rachel Choong, and in mixed with Frenchman Fabien Morat against Choong and Martin silver. In 2018 she lost to Choong in the singles final at the European Championships in Rodez , with whom she won gold again in doubles. In mixed she won bronze with the Scot Robert Laing . At the Badminton World Cup for the disabled in Basel in 2019 , she again won three medals, bronze in singles, gold in doubles with Rachel Choong and silver in mixed with Robert Laing.

Rebecca Bedford studies history at the University of Sheffield . Since Bedford, her colleague Rachel Choong and other disabled athletes are not adequately supported by British sports funding, a fundraising campaign took place. The London organization Path to Success , which raises funds to support women in disabled sports, enabled Bedford to participate in the 2020 Summer Paralympics.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Your sport statistics, one place. In: Retrieved February 14, 2020 .
  2. Rebecca Bedford - BWF 2017 World Para-Badminton Championships. In: December 5, 2017, accessed February 14, 2020 .
  3. Charity raises almost £ 60,000 to help Paralympic hopefuls. In: October 15, 2019, accessed February 14, 2020 .