Reformed Church Pitasch

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View from the west
inner space

The Reformed Church of Pitasch stands in the middle of the village of Pitasch on a small hill in the Val Lumnezia in the Swiss canton of Graubünden . Before the Reformation it was dedicated to Saint Martin .


The easted church was founded between 940 and 960. According to a document it is said to have been transferred to the Bishop of Chur in exchange in 960 . The current complex in Romanesque style dates from the middle of the 12th century.

After the Reformation in Pitasch was accepted in 1526 in the wake of the Ilanz articles , the interior of the building was redesigned to become a sermon church .

The tower in front of the western front was built later. The onion cap dates from the 18th century. The interior is a rectangular hall with a semicircular apse , which is divided on the outside by two blind arches with half-columns.

The masonry was created inside and outside in a precise opus spicatum construction method and plastered in such a way that the stone heads remained uncovered ( Rasa Pietra ). The flat ceiling made of wooden beams and the gallery were reconstructed. The depictions of Saints Christophorus and Martin on the northern outer wall come from the Waltensburg Master and were painted around 1340.

The fragment of the picture of St. George to the left comes from an unknown painter from around 1400. The same painter comes from the Holiday Christ and the Crucifixion on the western entrance facade as well as the paintings inside: the Annunciation on the choir arch wall, the wise and foolish virgins in the soffit, Christ in the mandorla in the apse calotte, surrounded by the four evangelist symbols. Below is a row of apostles.

The chalice-shaped baptismal font dates from the early 15th century; the carved pulpit from 1686. The modern glass windows in the apex of the choir and on the rear wall of the gallery are by the Winterthur artist Hans Affeltranger and were installed in 1979.

inner space

North face


  • Ludmila Seifert-Uherkovich, Leza Dosch: Art guide through Graubünden. Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History. Scheidegger & Spiess Verlag, Zurich 2008, ISBN 978-3-85881-216-2 .
  • Denise Ellenberger: Church Pitasch GR. (Swiss Art Guide, No. 432). Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History GSK. Bern 1988, ISBN 3-85782-432-8 .

Church organization

The Pitasch church belongs to the Reformed parish of Pitasch. For centuries this was in pastoral fellowship with Duvin . In recent times Pitasch has received pastoral care from the parish in Luven . Pitasch belongs to the Colloquium I Ob dem Wald within the Evangelical Reformed Regional Church of Graubünden .

Web links

Commons : Reformed Church Pitasch  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 43 ′ 51 "  N , 9 ° 13 ′ 1"  E ; CH1903:  735 919  /  177055