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Realgymnasium is both a historical and a currently used term for a type of school. In most cases, it builds on the intermediate educational qualification and leads to a general higher education entrance qualification ( Abitur or Matura / Matura ). It focuses on modern foreign languages ​​or scientific subjects, which were previously referred to as realities .


As an alternative to the grammar schools, mostly designed as Latin schools , secondary schools were founded at the end of the 19th century, which should familiarize the graduates with modern foreign languages and natural sciences and lead to the greatest possible openness to the world.

The Realgymnasium, like the Gymnasium, finished with the Abitur , in contrast to the Realprogymnasium , which had no final class (“Prima”).

Since the Hamburg Agreement in 1965, a distinction has not been made between Realgymnasien and (old-language) grammar schools in Germany; instead, modern-language grammar schools are used. In Rhineland-Palatinate , a distinction is still made between old-language and modern-language courses, where there are differences between the respective lesson tables.


In Austria , the Realgymnasium is a main branch of the Gymnasium as an eight-year general high school (AHS) with Matura .

It arose from the secondary schools with the curriculum from 1909.

The Realgymnasium offers an equivalent education compared to other grammar schools (humanistic, modern language, special educational focus), but with a focus on natural science subjects , instead of a third foreign language you learn in more depth biology, physics and chemistry and also write schoolwork in these subjects .

There are also Realgymnasien only with upper level ( Oberstufenrealgymnasium , short ORG). These ORGs initially emerged primarily in the rural districts. There is also the special form of the Werkschulheim at a few locations .

The independent school type is the Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium .

Organizationally, a grammar school is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Education . If the school provider is also the federal government, the federal school, depending on the type of school, is referred to as the federal high school (BG), the federal high school (BRG), the upper level high school (BORG) or the federal high school for business studies (WBRG).

Web links

Wiktionary: Realgymnasium  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. K. Ch. Snell: About the purpose and establishment of a secondary school. Arnoldische Buchhandlung, 1834, accessed September 9, 2014 .
  2. see list of school types in Austria
  3. ^ Realschule in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna
  4. ^ Loew M .: The eight-class high school. In: Austria Forum, Graz University of Technology
  5. ^ Realgymnasium in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna