Language Lycée

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The modern-language grammar school or linguistic grammar school is a grammar school with at least three foreign languages , in which - unlike traditionally in the humanistic grammar school  - at least two living foreign languages ​​are taught in addition to English , French , Italian and Spanish . Sometimes Latin is still offered at modern language high schools , but not (ancient) Greek .

Germany: New language high schools until 1965 (Realgymnasien)

The Realgymnasium was introduced in the state of Prussia in the middle of the 19th century . For this purpose, existing six-class secondary schools were often extended by three years (the prima or upper level). Realgymnasien were therefore temporarily also referred to as 1st-order Realschulen . In contrast to humanistic grammar schools, which focus on ancient Greek and Latin as a focus on ancient philology, grammar schools focus on realities (natural sciences, mathematics) and modern languages.

At the beginning of the 20th century in the German Empire the focus of the "Realgymnasien" emerged from mathematical and natural science-oriented upper secondary schools and modern-language grammar schools. From 1937 onwards, all secondary schools and upper secondary schools in the German Reich were uniformly designated as secondary schools .

With the Hamburg Agreement of 1965, all educational institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany and thus also the Realgymnasien (secondary schools) whose graduation (secondary school leaving certificate) enabled access to the university were renamed " Gymnasium ".


  • Lower level (lower part of lower secondary level )
    • Sexta corresponds to the 5th grade (see also Sextaner )
    • Quinta corresponds to the 6th grade
    • Quarta corresponds to the 7th grade
  • Intermediate level (upper part of lower secondary level )
    • Lower secondary corresponds to 8th grade
    • Obertertia corresponds to the 9th grade
    • Untersekunda corresponds to the 10th grade (middle school leaving certificate)
  • Upper or secondary level II
    • Obersekunda corresponds to the 11th grade
    • Unterprima corresponds to the 12th grade
    • Oberprima corresponds to the 13th grade (certificate of maturity)

Historical examples:


In Austria, the modern language form - in addition to the academic (humanistic “old language”, with Latin and Greek) and the realistic (natural science) school profile - is the third classic form of grammar school as a general higher education school  (AHS). Due to the decline in humanistic education, it is now regarded as one of the two main forms of grammar school, unless “ economics ”, “ musical ” or something similar is expressly stated. At most grammar schools there is a modern language and a realistic branch next to each other, since there are no fundamentally different types of school , but curricula . Due to school focus within the framework of school autonomy , the boundaries between the individual school profiles are becoming increasingly blurred.

English is consistently the first foreign language, the second either Latin or mostly French, Italian, Spanish, the third also, but also several other - mostly European - languages, especially those of neighboring countries: Czech , Slovak , Slovenian or Hungarian . The languages ​​of the recognized minority languages are also to be found primarily regionally. The second and third foreign language elective , and there are also optional subjects for other languages.

The main language and most of the compulsory elective foreign languages ​​can be completed in writing or orally (§ 8 (5) SchOG).


In Italy, three foreign languages ​​and Latin are offered at language high schools. In South Tyrol , where the other language is taught as a second language at all schools, only two other foreign languages ​​are offered. In the rest of Italy, in addition to English, French, German and Spanish, Russian , Chinese , Arabic or Japanese can also be offered.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Manfred Fuhrmann : Latin and Europe. The alien foundations of our education - the history of learned teaching in Germany from Charlemagne to Wilhelm II. 1st edition. Cologne 2001, ISBN 3-7701-5605-6 (2nd edition 2001, ISBN 3-8321-7948-8 ).
  2. ↑ For a definition of the grammar school, see Section 4 (2) Hamburg Agreement ( Memento from October 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Upper secondary school from 1910
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