Government of Pavel Filip

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Pavel Filip (2013)

The Pavel Filip government is the current government of the Republic of Moldova , headed by Pavel Filip . It was constituted on January 20, 2016.


After the withdrawal of the previous government, the three pro-European parties in parliament - the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (LPM), the Democratic Party of Moldova (DPM) and the Liberal Party (LP) - did not reach an agreement. A new political crisis has begun. After Vlad Plahotniuc announced his political return to the Democratic Party on December 21, 2015 , mentioning that he would “participate directly in the formation of a parliamentary majority that would ensure a stable government and it will succeed to gather the necessary votes for the election of the country's president in March next year ”(2016), on the morning of December 21, 2015, after just a few hours, a group of 14 Communist MPs announced that they would join the Communist Party leave parliament and establish a new parliamentary platform, the social-democratic platform for Moldova. In retrospect, the Democratic and Communist Parties started negotiations for a new parliamentary majority.

On January 13, 2016, the newly-formed parliamentary majority proposed Vlad Plahotniuc for the prime ministerial function, but the President of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti , rejected this candidate on the grounds that "There is a reasonable suspicion that Mr Vladimir Plahotniuc does not meet the integrity criteria required for his appointment as Prime Minister because, according to Resolution No. 5 of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of February 15, 2013 and published in the Official Journal on February 22, 2013, he received a vote of no confidence as chairman of the Parliament on charges of engaging in illegal activities in China that have damaged the image of Parliament and the Republic of Moldova ”.

President Nicolae Timofti proposed Mr Ion Păduraru for the post of Prime Minister, but after Ion Paduraru withdrew his candidacy, the parliamentary majority elected the former Minister of Technology and Information, Pavel Filip, for this post. During the parliamentary session, a group of demonstrators gathered outside the parliament building and asked for the vote to be suspended. After the President appointed Mr. Pavel Filip to serve as Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, and after the government was constituted that night, protests increased. The government cabinet of Pavel Filip was elected by 57 MPs out of 101: the votes of all 20 MPs from the Democratic Party, 13 MPs from the Liberal Party, the votes of 14 former Communist MPs (PCRM), the votes of 8 MPs from the Liberal Democratic Party and of the 2 former members of the Liberal Democratic Party.

On December 13, 2016, Liberal Party President Mihai Ghimpu withdrew political support for Anatol Unterstützungalaru (Minister of Defense). Following the appointment of the newly elected President Igor Dodon , on December 27 he signed the decree releasing Anatol Salaru from the position of Minister of Defense. At that time, Deputy Minister Gheorghe Galbura was appointed Acting Minister of Defense.

On March 15, 2017, the formal independent Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Eduard Grama (a close figure in the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova ) was arrested on a suspected corruption case. A few days later, Grama resigned, and on March 20, President Dodon officially signed the resignation decision.

At the end of April 2017, anti-corruption prosecutors arrested the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Iurie Chirinciuc, on suspicion of corruption.

After the liberal mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoacă was arrested by the anti-corruption prosecutors on May 25, 2017 , the President of the Liberal Party, Mihai Ghimpu, announced on May 26 that the Liberal Party was leaving the ruling coalition. Later on May 29, three Liberal Ministers: the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs - Gheorghe Brega , the Education Minister - Corina Fusu, and the Environment Minister - Valeriu Munteanu, as well as the Liberal Deputy Ministers announced their resignation. The next day, President Dodon signed all the resignation decrees and an additional decree for the Liberal Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure, Iurie Chirinciuc, who was then placed under house arrest.

Government reform was carried out in the summer of 2017, and after the seizure of power, nine out of 16 ministries remained and no liberal ministries remained in government. The reform was criticized by the parliamentary opposition. In September 2017, President Dodon twice proposed the candidacy of Eugen Sturza (from the European People's Party of Moldova) to the government for the role of defense minister because of "lack of competence in this area". Later, on October 24, 2017, the President of Parliament Andrian Candu, as Acting President of the Republic of Moldova, signed the decree appointing Sturza as Minister of Defense.

The government was reorganized on December 20, 2017. Six ministers were dismissed to reform the government.

The Cabinet of Ministers

minister Surname Political party In this role since To
prime minister Pavel Filip DPM 20th January 2016
Vice Prime Minister
Vice Prime Minister for European Integration Iurie Leancă PPEM January 10, 2018
Vice Prime Minister for Reintegration Cristina Lesnic Independently January 10, 2018
Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure Chiril Gaburici Independently January 10, 2018
Octavian Calmîc Independently 20th January 2016 December 21, 2017
Ministry of External Relations and European Integration Tudor Ulianovschi Independently January 10, 2018
Andrei Galbur Independently 20th January 2016 December 21, 2017
Home Office Alexandru Jizdan Independently 20th January 2016
Ministry of Defense Eugene Sturza PPEM October 24, 2017
Anatol Șalaru PL July 30, 2015 December 27, 2016
Ministry of Justice Victoria Iftodi Independently 19th March 2018
Alexandru Tănase Independently January 10, 2018 March 12, 2018
Vladimir Cebotari DPM July 30, 2015 December 21, 2017
Ministry of Finance Octavian Armașu Independently 20th January 2016
Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Nicolae Ciubuc Independently 25th September 2018
Liviu Volconovici Independently January 10, 2018 19th September 2018
Vasile Bîtca DPM July 26, 2017 December 21, 2017
Eduard Grama Independently July 30, 2015 20th March 2017
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Monica Babuc DPM July 26, 2017
Corina Fusu PL July 30, 2015 May 30, 2017
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Silvia Radu Independently 25th September 2018
Svetlana Cebotari Independently January 10, 2018
Stela Grigoraș Independently July 26, 2017 December 21, 2017
Ruxanda Glavan DPM July 30, 2015 July 25, 2017
Member ex officio
Governor (Bascan) of the Găgăuzia Autonomous Administrative Region Irina Vlah Independently April 15, 2015


The "Prima Casă" "First Home" program

The “Prima Casă” program started in November 2017. The aim of the program is to make it easier for private individuals to acquire an apartment by taking out partially secured bank loans, especially for young families. The program officially started in March 2018. Analysts previously stated that the program will benefit construction company owners and thus guarantee more customers. The finance minister declined to comment on these assumptions. So far, around 202 people have already received credits for buying their own homes as part of the “First Home” / “Prima Casa” program.

In May 2018, the “Prima Casa 2” program started, exclusively for civil servants who have worked in a public institution for at least one year. Around 5000 civil servants could sign such a contract this year because the state will invest around 20 million lei for it. The aim of the program is to motivate young people to work in a public institution.

Later in July 2018, the “Prima Casă” program was expanded to become more accessible to families with several children. The "Prima Casa 3" project means a gradual offsetting of the mortgage loan from the state budget from 10 to 100%, depending on the number of children in the family.

The program "Drumuri bune pentru Moldova" "Good roads for Moldova"

In 2018 the government will secure the construction and rehabilitation of 1200 kilometers of roads as part of the additional government program “Drumuri bune pentru Moldova”, regardless of the local administrative party. The government has approved the program budget of “Drumuri bune pentru Moldova” and 972 million lei has been made available for it. The repair works are organized in 1200 Moldovan villages. The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure has published the online map of the “Drumuri bune pentru Moldova” project. The map contains current information about each municipality: volume of work, implementation phase, length of the rehabilitated route, investment volume, etc. The online map can be viewed at

Government reform

On July 26th, 2017 the government of the Republic of Moldova started a new phase, after a vote of the parliament on the new structure of the executive branch on July 21st, 2017. After the transfer of competences there were 9 ministries from the former 16. The government reform has to led to much criticism of the process of developing and implementing this initiative. The list of the ministries listed results from the name change and the takeover of some areas of activity as follows:

  • The Ministry of Economy has taken over the activities of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure and the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication, and the construction sector from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, and the name has been changed to "Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure".
  • The Ministry of Culture took over the areas of activity of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the field of research from the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova. The name change took place in the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Research";
  • The Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family took over the areas of activity of the Ministry of Health, renaming it to "Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection".
  • The Ministry of Regional Development and Construction has taken over the areas of activity from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of the Environment, renaming it to the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and the Environment.

In the government meeting on August 30, 2017, the regulations for the organization and functioning of the new ministries, the organizational chart, the structure of the central body, the areas of responsibility and the limit staff were approved. All state-owned companies have been removed from the subordination of the ministries so that the ministers can concentrate more on politics. The companies are owned by the Public Property Agency, which is subordinate to the government.

Information technology park "Moldova IT park"

On January 1st, 2017 Law No. 77 on IT parks came into force. On October 26, 2017, 15 companies, members of the Association for Information Technology sent a request about the creation of “Moldova IT Park” to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova. Later, on December 20, 2017, the government approved the regulation on the organization and functioning of the park administration and the regulation on the registration of residents.

On January 1st 2018 the first IT park of the Republic of Moldova - "Moldova IT park" was created, established for a period of 10 years. During this time it is planned that around 400 IT companies from the Republic of Moldova will be registered as residents. The main purpose of the new structure is to provide an organizational platform with a range of innovative mechanisms and facilities to stimulate the growth of the information technology industry, create new jobs and attract local and foreign investment. The administrator / administrator is appointed by the government for a five-year term.

The director of the "Ritlabs" company, Maxim Masiutin, mentioned that the IT park provides attractive conditions for employees. You get the integral salary that is mentioned in the individual employment contract without paying any tax. The programmer Vitalie Eșanu, an IT expert, is of the opinion that such schemes would offer good opportunities for corruption.

In the first four months after the start of the "Moldova IT Park", 164 residents were registered. Among the tax incentives granted to residents of IT parks, the individual tax of 7% of sales proceeds and the removal of bureaucratic obstacles for current and potential residents.

The advantages of the IT business area in the Republic of Moldova were presented in Iași, Romania, at the regional PinAwards forum. During the event, Moldova was presented as an attractive destination for IT companies, thanks to the advantages of the Law on IT Parks.

The introduction of the 112 service

"112" is the unique number for emergency calls that works actively in all member states of the European Union. It works continuously and can be called free of charge by every citizen on landlines and mobile phones. The "112 Service Project" started in May 2012. The new system automates all processes with modern software. The Republic of Moldova is the second country to use this modern soft system. The 112 service has the task of handling more complex cases for quick interventions. The standardized national emergency number 112 was launched on March 29, 2018. The Prime Minister Pavel Filip said at the opening event: "It is a wonderful project that was initiated in 2012. It is a soul initiative for me. Implementation took several years, but we launched the service nine months earlier than planned we offer the citizens modern services as in the countries of the European Union. " The government approved the rules of interaction between the National Emergency Service 112 and all other emergency services in order to ensure immediate intervention by the emergency services. Doctors or police officers provide the necessary help. The regulation provides for a clear delimitation of the duties of the emergency services 112, the rescue service, the general police inspection and the general emergency inspection. The basic capabilities of the 112 service include receiving, managing and handling emergency calls throughout the Republic of Moldova, filling out emergency call records, and centralizing, storing and accessing managed data under the 112 automatic information system.

Individual evidence

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