Palestinian Authority government of March 2006

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The government of the Palestinian Authority was formed by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya on March 29, 2006 and dissolved on June 14, 2007. The cabinet consisted entirely of members of Hamas and independents who sympathized with it.

List of members

minister portfolio Political orientation
Ismail Haniyya Prime Minister / Minister for Sport and Youth Hamas
Mahmud al-Zahar Foreign Hamas
Omar Abdul-Razeq Finances Hamas
Said Siam Home and Civil Affairs Hamas
Basem Naim health Hamas
Alaeddin al-A'raj economy Hamas
Fakhri Turkman Social questions Independently
Wasfi Mustafa Qabha Prison issues
Naser Eddin al Shaer Deputy Prime Minister / Education and Higher Education Hamas
Yousef Rizqa information Hamas
Mariam Saleh Women's issues Hamas
Ahmad Khaldi Judiciary Independently
Jamal al Khudari Telecommunications and information technology Independently
Abdul Rahman Zeidan Public Works Hamas
Joudeh George Murqos tourism Independently
Attallah Abul Sabeh Culture Hamas
Ziad Al-Thatah traffic Hamas
Nayef Rajoub Religious questions Hamas
Samir Abu Eisheh planning Hamas
Mohammed al Agha Agriculture Hamas
Khaled Abu Arafeh Minister without portfolio Hamas
Issa Ja'bari Local administration Hamas
Atef Udwan refugees Hamas
Muhammad Barghuti job Hamas
Mohammed Awad Head of Cabinet Hamas


  1. Some ministers were captured by Israel and assigned to other ministers.
  2. Joudeh George Murqos was the only Christian minister in the cabinet.