Reimar Hollmann

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Reimar Hollmann (born March 18, 1921 in Rotenburg an der Fulda ; † August 3, 1986 in Bad Münder ) was a German journalist and newspaper editor . He was considered a critical observer and chronicler of the cultural development of the state capital Hanover after 1945.


Raimar Hollmann lived through the time of National Socialism as a child and adolescent before he started working as a journalist in Lower Saxony in 1945 after the end of the Second World War . About the time after the Hanoverian opera house had previously been destroyed by fire bombs during the air raids on Hanover and therefore from 1945 operas with Rudolf Schock, for example, with simple furnishings and at replacement locations such as the gallery of the garden theater in the Great Garden in Herrenhausen , and later also in the Ballhof , were performed improvised , Hollmann once said:

“The program sheet from this time, a DIN A5 sheet, only contains the cast list, a brief summary in English, the request to listen to the British royal anthem while standing, and the prohibitions on smoking during the performance and applauding before the end . "

For 15 years, Hollmann worked mainly for the Hanover Press and its successor Neue Presse , where he was responsible for theater , film and literature .

Hollmann also worked on the film advisory board of the municipal cinema (KoKi), on the Hanoverian theater commission and on the advisory board of the Friends of the Schauspielhaus .

Rainer Hollmann was co-author of publications on the war and post-war period in the history of the city of Hanover .

Fonts (selection)

In addition to numerous smaller contributions in collective publications, Hollmann was co-author of

  • Raimar Hollmann, et al. : Hanover. Portrait of a city , text in German, English and French, also taking musical life into account, Kunstverlag Bühn, Munich 1983; contents
  • Thomas Grabe, Raimar Hollmann et al. : Living under the cloud of death ... Hanover in World War II , Kabel, Hamburg 1983, ISBN 3-921909-17-1 ; contents
  • Thomas Grabe, Reimar Hollmann, Klaus Mlynek : Ways out of chaos. Hanover 1945 - 1949 , also taking into account the new musical development, Kabel, Hamburg [o. D., 1985], ISBN 3-8225-0005-4 ; contents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Hugo Thielen : HOLLMANN, Reimar. In: Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Hugo Thielen: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2002, ISBN 3-87706-706-9 , p. 176.
  2. ^ Peter Struck : Hanover in 3 days. An entertaining cultural guide , Hanover: Schlütersche, 2008, ISBN 978-3-89993-659-9 ; P. 96; online through google books