Pure scribe

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Reiner Schreiber (born August 19, 1941 in Beuel ; † October 8, 2004 in Bonn ) was a German local politician , city ​​director of the city of Bonn, chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in Bonn's city ​​council and long-time managing director of Stadtwerke Bonn .

Schreiber was elected to the city council in 1969 and took over the areas of transport and finance. At the age of 38 he became parliamentary group chairman in the city council and, as chairman of the “Special Committee for the Improvement of Traffic Conditions in Bonn”, was responsible for the (expansion) construction of the subway . In 1982 he took over the management of the Stadtwerke, in 1993 also that of the city ​​director . In 1998 he lost this office due to the new majority structure that changed due to a local election; he had not found a basis for a trusting cooperation with the SPD mayor Bärbel Dieckmann , who has been in office since 1994 .

On September 8, 2001, the Auditing Office of the City of Bonn criticized the award of the contract for the modernization of the northern heating plant , which nine months later resulted in searches of the Bonn public prosecutor and the arrest of Schreiber after a council meeting at the town hall exit. Schreiber had four weeks remand spend and was released from this only on 7 May of 2002. The reason for the discovery of the affair was that the investigators had checked Schreiber's travel documents and were able to assign the telephone number given on a hotel bill to a Swiss bank; About 3 million DM had been paid into an account at this bank, the origin of which could not be fully determined.

And finally the turn of 2002/2003 raised public prosecutor before the Bonn Regional Court against writer for corruption in a very serious case because they saw it as proven that he by the operating company ABB 800,000 DM in bribes (according to other sources even 1.2 Million DM) so that the Mannheim-based plant engineering company received the order worth around 68 million DM. Due to cancer and the resulting inability to stand trial , the proceedings were discontinued in May 2004, less than half a year before Schreiber's death.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bernd Leyendecker: In the end he was very alone. In: General-Anzeiger Bonn. October 10, 2004, accessed July 19, 2019 .
  2. a b c Black Godfather . In: Der Spiegel . No. 16/2002 . Hamburg April 15, 2002, p. 34 .
  3. Thomas Agthe: The "man for the rough" in Bonn. In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. October 12, 2014, accessed July 19, 2019 .