Pure storm

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Reiner Sturm (* 1950 ; † August 27, 2003 in Aachen ) was a German serial killer who murdered two women in Wuppertal . While the search was on for him, he murdered a man in Frankfurt am Main , by whom he felt recognized. After seriously injuring two other inmates in prison, he remained in custody until the end of his life.

Early life

Reiner Sturm's parents divorced when he was 15. After attending elementary school, he broke off two apprenticeships as a decorator and toolmaker. He then attended a seaman's school in Bremen and went to sea for a few years. Instead of getting a patent as a captain, he became a pimp on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg-St. Pauli .

In 1974 he was involved in a bank robbery in Frankfurt-Eschersheim , was arrested and sentenced to three years imprisonment, which he served in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison. There he came into contact with the felon Heinz Otto Bartel, whom he began to admire. After his release, he broke up with his fiancée and best friend, couldn't find a job and ran into six-figure debts. According to his own statement, he also thought of suicide during this time.


On July 19, 1977, he murdered his 26-year-old ex-girlfriend Gabriele E. in his apartment in Wuppertal by knocking her down with a wine bottle, choking her, choking her and stabbing her several times with a kitchen knife. Just two hours later, also in Wuppertal, he murdered his 23-year-old friend Marlies R. Sturm knocked the woman down with a hammer, strangled her with his bare hands, mistreated her with a whip and then killed her with a razor. At the scene of his first murder, he left a message in which he demanded that his friend Heinz Otto Bartel, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, should be released.

Sturm then fled to Frankfurt am Main, where he found shelter in the apartment of the 28-year-old banker Wolfgang G., whom he had met in a pub at the main train station. In the following days he returned to Wuppertal to, according to his own statement, kill a hated acquaintance, but could not find him and returned to Frankfurt. After a search on television, Reiner Sturm believed Wolfgang G. had seen through him and finally murdered him with a knife in the early morning hours of July 25th.

Arrest, conviction and imprisonment

After staying at the home for another day, he called a private detective, pretended to be his victim, had himself taken to the nearest police station, and said he had "an important lead." During the journey, the detective recognized Reiner Sturm, who immediately admitted that he was the one he was looking for. He said he would no longer resist and that he had killed a third person. He was immediately arrested in the Frankfurt-Nordend police station.

Sturm showed no remorse, mocked the victims, refused to apologize to the bereaved and even threatened the public prosecutor to kill him. On November 23, 1978, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Wuppertal jury court for three murders for low motives . Despite an established serious mental abnormality, he was found fully guilty.

While in custody, he brutally injured two fellow prisoners and was therefore relocated to the high-security wing of the prison in Cologne , where he spent most of the time in solitary confinement. There Sturm also received a visit from the criminalist Stephan Harbort , who spoke to him for seven hours. Afterwards, Harbort said: “The then 47-year-old didn't laugh once during the first three hours of our conversation, he kept jumping up from his chair, demonstrating how he had cruelly killed the two women. Said that he would have liked to kill his father too. Then at some point this man tried to smile. ... It was a horrible grimace that suddenly flashed at me, hardly describable with words. I haven't seen a face like this before or after. I spontaneously thought that this could be exactly what is commonly called 'evil'. A formative experience that still troubles me today. "

Reiner Sturm was transferred to the Aachen correctional facility on April 29, 1998 , where he was imprisoned until his death.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The serial killer whisperer. In: Vice Magazine Germany . October 17, 2008, archived from the original on March 4, 2011 ; accessed on November 1, 2018 (interview with Stephan Harbort).