High security wing

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A high-security wing (actually high-security area ) is a particularly secure area within a correctional facility (in Austria a prison ). When entering custody in a closed custody area and still without, on the basis of the individual prison plan , relaxation measures, every prisoner is assigned to a custody area with a higher security level. In the first place, this means that both the detention rooms and corridor sections are permanently locked.

Explanation of terms

The term is mainly used in the media , although it does not always accurately indicate that a criminal has been classified as particularly dangerous. In Germany, only a few prisons have such a department, such as the Stuttgart-Stammheim correctional facility . This high-security area in the JVA Stammheim and most of those in other penal institutions were mainly set up in the 1970s for the imprisoned RAF terrorists and are partly protected against rescue attempts with helicopters and the like. a. with a network of steel spans.

On the other hand, there are special security cells in all prisons, but these are only used in cases of danger to life and limb of the inmate or fellow inmates. In these cells, prisoners who are particularly at risk of escaping or who were taken back into custody after such a break, are mostly accommodated only temporarily.

Usually, certain groups of detainees are grouped together in certain detention departments on the basis of the duration of detention and the danger to fellow inmates, but these do not automatically represent a high-security area. This department does not have to be specially secured, after all, the prisoners are already in housed in a prison whose security level corresponds to the danger posed by these offenders , according to an enforcement plan .

Even institutions of forensic psychiatry are equipped as a high-security areas, as are housed and punishing incompetent offenders in them both the forensic unit.

In the former GDR there was a detention center called Bautzen II , which can be described as a high-security prison. Predominantly political prisoners were arrested here, and thus prisoners classified as particularly dangerous for the security of the GDR, who were also under special supervision by the Ministry for State Security .

Criticism of solitary confinement as a security measure

In many countries, including the USA, solitary confinement rooms are also kept in high-security areas. According to Amnesty International, 2,000 inmates are in solitary confinement in the state of Arizona alone. Amnesty International criticizes this form of detention as dehumanizing and encouraging suicide .

Prisons with a special security level

In Germany, means are also the assurance protests after a high safety standard established detention areas.

In Austria, like all prisons, these are subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Justice and facilities in which criminals are punished with sentences of up to life imprisonment and those in which the implementation of measures are located are equipped with a high-security area in some cases.

Prisons with high security areas in Germany

The Saarland does not have its own detention center with a high-security area and no special facility for preventive detention. Corresponding prisoners are housed in relevant penal institutions in neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate. The federal state of Thuringia does not operate a detention center of this type either and relocates prisoners mainly to Bavaria or Hesse .







Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Lower Saxony

North Rhine-Westphalia





Prisons with high security areas outside of Germany (selection)


Norway only has such a facility with the Ila detention and custody facility, in which z. B. Anders Behring Breivik is serving his sentence.


Prison establishments with the highest security level in Austria can be those prisons in which long prison sentences of more than 15 years are carried out in accordance with the implementation plan of the General Directorate for Prison and Custodial Measures (these prisons also accept prisoners who are too few long prison terms were sentenced, but cannot be accommodated in other prisons because of their particular danger):

As special institutions for the execution of measures against mentally abnormal lawbreakers, three institutions are specially set up in the federal territory:




United States

In the United States have all federal prisons ( federal prison ), that is, those which reports directly to the United States Department of Justice are subject to special security areas, but are considered high security areas those which in the existing since 1994, highest level of security Administrative Maximum (ADX) , also Supermax called classified are. The first maximum security prison in the US was Folsom State Prison in California .

See also


  • GDR. Maria A. Eder-Rieder: The custodial preventive measures. Manz Verlag, Vienna 1985, ISBN 978-3-214-06025-1 .
  • Johannes Feest: European standards for the penal system. On the revision of the European Prison Rules. In: Journal for Prison and Criminal Assistance. 55th year, 5/2006, pp. 259-261

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Isolated and dehumanized
  2. ↑ Taking hostages in the high security prison in Straubing
  3. ↑ Preventive detention | Prison Rosdorf. In: www.justizvollzugsanstalt-rosdorf.niedersachsen.de. Retrieved June 23, 2016 .
  4. Breivik is serving his sentence in the Ila maximum security prison
  5. Homepage of the JVA Pöschwiess