Reinhard Bruehl

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Reinhard Brühl (born August 23, 1924 in Chemnitz ; † July 2, 2018 in Potsdam ) was a German military historian .


As the son of a heating fitter and coppersmith, Reinhard Brühl began an apprenticeship as a machine fitter after completing 8th grade in 1939, which he broke off the following year. During the Second World War he volunteered at a non-commissioned officer preschool in 1940 and joined the Wehrmacht in 1942 . There he made it to the rank of lieutenant in a tank reconnaissance division on the German-Soviet front at the age of 20 . He came in 1944 in Soviet prisoner of war , was there a member of the anti-fascist Federal German officers and headquarters visited Antifa school in the village Talizy.

In 1949 he was released from captivity. In 1950 Brühl became a member of the SED and joined the German People's Police on January 1, 1950 , where he worked as a teacher at the VP schools in Torgau and Treptow and as a political officer until 1958. At the Karl Marx University in Leipzig he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD . From 1959 he held the chair for the history of the German labor movement at the Military Academy in Dresden . From December 1961 to August 1989 he was the director of the Military History Institute of the GDR in Potsdam . He was replaced in this position by Paul Heider .

Brühl was chairman of the commission for military history of the GDR and represented it from 1973 in the international commission for military history (CIHM) . From 1978 to 1989 he was a member of the Bibliographical Committee of the CIHM and from 1985 to 1990 one of the vice-presidents of the CIHM.

On October 7, 1979 he was appointed major general of the NVA . Reinhard Brühl obtained his academic degrees by distance learning. Reinhard Brühl was a doctor of philosophy and a graduate in history. At the end of 1989 Brühl was one of the first to sign the appeal “ For our country ” for a GDR as a “socialist alternative to the Federal Republic”.

Reinhard Brühl was the last former Wehrmacht officer in the NVA general rank. He ended active service in the summer of 1989.

After the reunification and peaceful revolution , Reinhard Brühl, who lived in Potsdam-Babelsberg , was a founding member of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brandenburg and dealt in many articles with the military policy of the SED, the development of national defense and the military history of the GDR.

Brühl died at the age of 93.



  • Dictionary of German military history. 4 volumes. Military publishing house of the German Democratic Republic, Berlin 1985–1987, ISBN 3-327-00239-8 .
  • Army for Peace and Socialism - History of the East German NVA. Military publishing house of the GDR, 1984/87, ISBN 3-327-00459-5 .
  • Military history and war politics. Military publishing house of the GDR, 1973, DNB 730202089 .
  • NATO countries and military conflicts: a military-historical overview. Military publishing house of the German Democratic Republic, 1988, ISBN 3-327-00709-8 .
  • Clausewitz and the security of Prussia and Germany (2nd workshop discussion). In: Clausewitz and Engels research with a view to a European strategy and military science for the nineties (workshop discussions ). (Ed.) Dresdener Studiengemeinschaft Sicherheitsppolitik (DSS) e. V: DSS working papers , Dresden 1990, Issue 4, pp. 104–115. urn : nbn: de: bsz: 14-qucosa2-351134
  • with Lothar Schröter (Ed.): 50 Years of NATO: Balance and Perspectives. GNN-Verlag, Schkeuditz 2000, ISBN 3-89819-031-5 .
  • with Lothar Schröter (ed.): Stahlhelm, Blauhelm, Friedenstaube: Securing peace at the beginning of the 21st century. GNN-Verlag, Schkeuditz 2001, ISBN 3-89819-063-3 .
  • The hope remains: memories of a military historian. Node Verlag, Potsdam 2018, ISBN 978-3-939090-28-1 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical. In: grandstand . 7th December 1979.
  2. New director at the Potsdam Institute. In: Berliner Zeitung . August 25, 1989, p. 2.
  3. ^ General and Flag Officers of the German Democratic Republic. on:
  4. ^ E. Hoh: Colloquium for Reinhard Brühl. In: Potsdam's latest news. October 9, 2004, accessed July 22, 2010.
  5. Klaus Froh, Rüdiger Wenzke: The generals and admirals of the NVA: A biographical manual. 5th edition. Christoph Links Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-86153-438-9 .
  6. Congratulations on your 80th birthday in ISOR-aktuell No. 8 / August 2004.
  7. Bernhard Heimann: More than half a life for military history: For the 80th birthday of Major General a. D. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bruehl. on: Working group history of the NVA and integration of former NVA members in society and the armed forces in the regional executive committee east of the DBwV. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  8. Obituary In: Neues Deutschland . 7 July 2018, p. 20.