Reinhard Schiemann

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Reinhard Ernst Schiemann (born March 20, 1926 in Wöterkeim , Krs. Bartenstein / East Prussia , today: Sępopol ; † November 4, 1988 in Rostock ) was a German chemist and animal nutritionist. He is the brother of Helmut Schiemann .

Live and act

Reinhard Schiemann, the fourth child of a driver , passed the high school in Bartenstein in 1944 and was drafted into the Wehrmacht that same year . In 1946 he returned from Yugoslav captivity and began studying chemistry at the University of Rostock . As early as 1949 he passed the diploma exam and received his doctorate in 1951 on the subject of "Investigations into the humus problem" with Kurt Nehring as Dr. phil. The meeting of the two men was a fortunate circumstance for the later successes of energy research. After two years as an assistant at the Institute for Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science at the University of Rostock, he joined the newly founded Oskar-Kellner-Institute for Animal Nutrition (OKI) in 1953 . It was an institute of the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Berlin and initially consisted of the areas of Leipzig and Rostock. Its founding director was academician Kurt Nehring . From 1954 to 1960, a new OKI building consisting of four research buildings was built in Rostock. The function of the client was mainly carried out by Schiemann.

In 1955 he qualified as a professor at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Rostock with the work Critical Considerations on the Development of Oskar Kellner's theory of strength values . The most significant conclusion in this work was that it seemed sensible and worthwhile to continue working in the field of energetic feed evaluation in the sense of Oskar Kellner.

In 1958 Schiemann was appointed scientific department head and in 1963 he was appointed professor at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences . The structure, importance and recognition of Rostock energy research are closely connected with the name Schiemann. Under his scientific direction, scientists, test technicians and laboratory assistants in the energy research department carried out total metabolism tests on various animal species using respiratory systems . The results of the test material formed the basis for the energetic evaluation of the feed and for deductions for the energy requirements of farm animals. Based on this, a feed evaluation system was developed; The test material and some of the conclusions drawn from it were also used in other countries for feed evaluation systems.

The results of his work are documented in around 300 scientific and popular scientific publications. This includes the energetic feed evaluation and energy standards works as well as the GDR feed evaluation system. The book GDR feed evaluation system covers the field of feed management and feeding. The energy benchmark for the feed evaluation is the net energy fat, a further development of the starch value.

With systematics, Reinhard Schiemann concentrated on deriving practicable recommendations for animal and plant production from the results of basic research.

honors and awards

Kurt Nehring had planned him as his successor in the office of director of the OKI. However, political reasons prevented the proposal from becoming a reality. Schiemann was entrusted with the management of national and international working groups, such as the coordination of research work within the framework of the Comecon . Since the founding of the animal nutrition section of the Society for Nutrition in the GDR , he was a member of the board and from 1982 to 1986 its chairman. On the Editorial Board of the Archive for Animal Nutrition, he endeavored to promote the scientific level of this journal and to critically review the work submitted for publication.

Schiemann had been a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle since 1969 and was elected chairman for agricultural sciences shortly before his death. His highest honors were the Henneberg-Lehmann Prize of the University of Göttingen in 1959 and the National Prize of the GDR in 1976 .

Major works

  • Energetic feed evaluation and energy norms. VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin; 1st edition 1971; 2nd edition 1972.
  • GDR feed evaluation system . VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin; 1st edition 1971; 7th edition 1989; 1972 Publication in Russian. Thebook was published in English in 2003 and in German in 2004under the originally intended title " Rostock feed evaluation system ", in which the evaluation of feed is carried out in a more nutrient-specific manner (improvement of the carbohydrate analysis) and with the ATP-based, energetic measure NER (net energy retention).
  • Calculation of feed rations based on the GDR feed evaluation system. VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin; 1st edition 1973; 6th edition 1988.
  • Application of the GDR feed evaluation system in plant production. VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin; 1st edition 1978; 2nd edition 1983.
  • Substance and energy turnover in adult, predominantly fat-forming animals (Chapter 5) and milk production (Chapter 9). In Gebhardt, G. u. a .: Animal nutrition (university textbook). VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, 1988.


  • Gerber, Th .: Personalities from agriculture and forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine -Bibliographisches Lexikon- Bd. 2: MZ. NORA Verlagsgemeinschaft Dyck & Westerheide, 2nd extended edition 2005, p. 670.
  • Herrmann, U .: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. sc. agr. Reinhard Schiemann March 20, 1926 - November 4, 1988. Arch. Anim. Nutr., Vol. 39, 1989, pp. 12-13.

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