Reinhard Wille

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Reinhard Wille (born August 19, 1930 in Berlin ; † September 26, 2014 in Kiel ) was a German sexologist .


Reinhard Wille studied medicine in Munich and received his doctorate on topographical anatomy in May 1953. At the age of 23, he was considered the youngest doctor in Germany until 1954. Wille then studied law in Hamburg until 1959.

After receiving his doctorate, Wille moved to Kiel, where he worked as a senior physician in the medical faculty. There he completed his habilitation in sex medicine in 1970 and headed the medical faculty of the University of Kiel as dean. He also worked as a court expert and treated and assessed transsexuals . From the early 1980s onwards he dealt intensively with the immunodeficiency virus HIV, which was emerging at that time, and contributed with lectures at congresses to raise awareness of the virus and its secondary disease, AIDS . For this achievement he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in 1994 by the Federal President Roman Herzog .

Reinhard Wille was deputy chairman of the Berlin Wilhelm von Humboldt Foundation .


  • On the therapy of sexual deviants , Diesbach, 1990
  • Care institutions for the mentally ill and psychosocially disturbed in the state of Schleswig-Holstein (with Ulrich Boeters, Friedrich Eckmann), Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, 1976
  • The wheal resorption time in healthy newborns in the first 14 days of life and their behavior after administration of secondary kidney cortex hormones , Munich 1953
  • The forensic-psychopathological assessment of exhibitionists, pedophiles, incest and emergency offenders , Kiel 1968
  • Follow-up examinations on sterilized women - “The case of Dr. Dohrn “twelve years later , Enke, 1978

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