René Allio

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René Allio (born March 8, 1924 in Marseille , † March 27, 1995 in Paris ) was a French set designer , film director and screenwriter .


Allio began as a painter and worked as a set designer from around 1950. In the 1950s he got to know Erwin Piscator and Luchino Visconti as well as the Berliner Ensemble , whose productions had a decisive influence on his stage design. It was his goal to bring theater performance and theater-goers together by involving the audience in the theater. Allio realized his ideas from 1958 in a ten-year collaboration with Roger Planchon at the Théâtre de la Cité in Lyon . He was a co-designer of the newly founded Maison de la Culture in Lyon and played a key role in the conversion of the Parisian Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt to the Théâtre de Ville.

Through a recording for a production of Die toten Seelen (1962), Allio made contact with film, which he used for experiments in the theater. The Atelier d'urbanisme et d'architecture allowed him to implement his ideas. Otherwise he mainly worked at the Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers.

He made his film debut in 1963 with a 21-minute short film . In 1965 he made his first feature film The Unworthy Old Woman based on a short story by Bertolt Brecht with Sylvie in the title role. In 1972 he received the INTERFILM Award for Der Aufruhr in den Cervennenden at the Forum of the Berlinale 1972 . He was able to repeat this success at the 1977 Berlinale with me, Pierre Riviere, who killed my mother, my sister and my brother . He made his last film in 1991. The German actor Sebastian Koch played the leading role in Transit .

Allio worked exclusively as a set designer in the theater, but only as a director and screenwriter in film. He explained his different activities with the words: "In the theater, space creates the concept of time, in film time creates the concept of space."


  • 1964: The unworthy old woman ( La vieille dame indigne )
  • 1967: One and the other ( L'une et l'autre )
  • 1968: Pierre and Paul ( Pierre et Paul )
  • 1971: The uproar in the Cevennes ( Les camisards )
  • 1973: A difficult day for the Queen ( Une rude journée pour la reine )
  • 1976: Me, Pierre Rivière, who killed my mother, sister and brother ( Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère )
  • 1980: The Precious Hour ( L'heure exquise )
  • 1980: return to Marseille (return to Marseille )
  • 1984: Sailor 512 ( Le matelot 512 )
  • 1988: A doctor of hope ( Un médecin des lumières )
  • 1990: transit


  • Guy Gauthier: Les Chemins De René Allio - Peintre, Scénographe, Cinéaste. Cerf, Paris 1993.
  • Daniel Winkler: Transit Marseille. Film history of a Mediterranean metropolis. Bielefeld: transcript 2007. - Chapter on Allio: City, Land, Sea. René Allio, the popular and the popular Marseille, p. 163ff. ( Online in Google Book Search)
  • Daniel Winkler:  Marseille! A metropolis from a cinematic perspective . Schüren, Marburg 2013,  ISBN 978-3-89472-860-1 .
  • Horst Schumacher: Allio, René . In: Manfred Brauneck, Wolfgang Beck (ed.): Theater Lexikon 2. Actors and directors, stage managers, dramaturges and stage designers . Rowohlt's encyclopedia published by Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag. Reinbek near Hamburg, August 2007, ISBN 978 3 499 55650 0 , p. 18 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Horst Schumacher: Allio, René , p. 19