Renan Calheiros

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Renan Calheiros

José Renan Vasconcelos Calheiros (born September 16, 1955 in Murici , Alagoas ) is a Brazilian politician of the PMDB and the President of the Bundessenat in the National Congress and as a representative of his home state Alagoas in his third term in the Senate of Brazil 2010-2018, after 1994-2002 and 2002-2010. Renan Calheiros is considered one of the most controversial and colorful figures in Brazilian politics.

On December 5, 2016, Calheiros was temporarily removed from office as President of the Senate by the Supremo Tribunal Federal on suspicion of embezzlement.


Renan Calheiros' political career is full of paradoxes : in his youth he was affiliated with the PCdoB , supported Fernando Collor de Mello as president , was Minister of Justice under Fernando Henrique Cardoso and later became one of the most important allies of Lula da Silva's party , the PT .

Born in Murici (Alagoas), Renan began his career in the PCdoB's Militant Student Movement , to which his brother Renildo Calheiros still belongs, and joined the MDB , for which he was elected MP in Alagoas in 1978. In the Legislative Assembly of Alagoas at the end of the 1970s, he named Fernando Collor de Mello , who was then mayor of Maceio , the "Crown Prince of Corruption" ( " príncipe herdeiro da corrupção " ).

Elected as Congressman in 1982, he sponsored Collor de Mello's entry into the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB), founded in 1980, and supported his campaigns for the post of governor and president. When he was named as the possible leader of the then Collor government in the Chamber of Deputies, he broke with Collor de Mello and supported another candidate for the post of governor of Alagoas. He campaigned for the impeachment of Collor de Mellos and after Itamar Franco was subsequently elected president, he got the post of vice-president of the chemical division of Petroquisa . In 1994 he was elected senator.

He supported the constitutional amendment that allowed the re-election of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. In 1998 he was appointed Minister of Justice. In 1999, Renan Calheiros was removed from politics under pressure from Governor Mario Covas. He supported PSDB candidate José Serra as president, but later allied with Lula da Silva, suggesting an ally in government positions. In 2006 he filed a motion to set up a parliamentary committee of inquiry against Lula da Silva.

Web links

Commons : Renan Calheiros  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Profile on the Senate website . Accessed August 30, 2016 (Portuguese)
  2. Brazil's Senate President temporarily removed from office ., December 6, 2016.
  3. Isabela Bonfim: De aliado a algoz, Renan pede para neither ser lembrado de impeachment de Collor . In: O Estado de S. Paulo, April 14, 2016 (Portuguese, accessed September 3, 2016)