Renate Loll

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Renate Loll (born June 19, 1962 in Aachen ) is a German theoretical physicist who deals with quantum gravity .

Renate Loll studied in Freiburg im Breisgau and received her doctorate in 1989 from Imperial College in London . After research stays in Italy and the USA , she worked for several years as a Heisenberg fellow of the German Research Foundation at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam - Golm . In 1997 she completed her habilitation at the University of Potsdam ( Wilson loop and discrete lattice methods in quantum gauge and gravitational theories ). In 2001 she became a professor at the University of Utrecht and since 2012 she has been a professor at the Radboud University in Nijmegen . She is also a professor at the Perimeter Institute . In 2015 she was elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences . She has been a member of the Academia Europaea since 2013 .

It pursues a non-perturbation-theoretical approach to quantum gravity via causal dynamic triangulations (CDT), introduced with Jan Ambjørn from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen in 1998. Computer simulations of the theory gave indications of the emergence of a four-dimensional space-time on a larger scale and at the same time on small ones Scales of a fractal structure and dynamic reduction to two dimensions.

She also dealt with formulating the Yang-Mills theory with loop variables and BRST quantization.


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Individual evidence

  1. Hoogleraar theoretical fysica Renate Loll vertrekt uit Utrecht. Universiteit Utrecht, April 4, 2012.
  2. ^ J. Ambjorn, R. Loll: Nonperturbative Lorentzian Quantum Gravity, Causality and Topology Change. In: Nuclear Physics. B, Volume 536, 1998, pp. 407-434. (Arxiv)
  3. J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz, R. Loll: Reconstructing the Universe. In: Physical Review. D, Volume 72, 2005, p. 064014.