Repair café

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Repair café

A repair café (other common names: repair café , repair bar , electronics clinic , repair meeting , electronics hospital or café Kaputt and the like) is an event format with a temporarily set up self-help workshop for repairing defective everyday items and utensils and a small selection of food, mostly in Form of coffee and cake .


Most of the organizing initiatives in Germany are part of the Repair Initiatives Network . The Dutch network, Stichting Repair Café , operates on an international level .

Repair events are understood both as a contribution against industrial strategies to a planned disintegration or a uselessness of products or parts thereof (" Planned Obsolescence "), as well as a lived practice to set an example against the throwaway society and to avoid waste .

Repair cafés are usually designed, prepared and followed up by voluntary helpers. In addition to the technical and resource protection components, they are also social meeting places for people from different backgrounds.

Some repair cafés in " MakerSpaces " have begun to replicate components using 3D printing : For example, broken components of household appliances can be temporarily glued together, then scanned as a whole with a 3D handheld laser scanner in order to finally find them to be reproduced as a mechanically stable image and replacement with a 3D printer.


The first events where everyday objects were repaired jointly have been going on for a long time, since 2002 the repair days at the Kempodium in Kempten . 2009, the Dutch environmental journalist Martine Postma verschriftlichte the concept under the name Repair Café and is since then a guide to setting up a repair cafes under a franchise - license available. She found numerous imitators in her home country and elsewhere. In March 2016, 1,000 Repair Cafés worldwide had registered.

Around 500 initiatives are currently active in Germany, most of which are organized in the network of repair initiatives. The network coordinated by the “Anstiftung” foundation promotes the exchange of knowledge among the active with advice, information materials, networking meetings and an online infrastructure and participates, among other things, in the repair round table and in the waste prevention dialogues of the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Environment Ministry . Initiatives in the start-up phase receive free information about the start on the network platform.

See also

Broadcast reports


Web links

Commons : Repair Cafés  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Baier, Christa Müller, Karin Werner (ed.): City of Commonists. New urban do-it-yourself spaces. Bielefeld 2013, ISBN 978-3-8394-2367-7 , p. 171 f.
  4. Niko Paech: Liberation from Abundance. On the way to the post-growth economy. Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-86581-181-3 , p. 60f, p. 121, p. 133.
  5. ^ Anja Humburg: Repair culture. In: Make: 5/2015, pp. 103f.
  6. Gabi Schlag, Dörte Wustrack: Repairing instead of throwing away - Against the planned product death . on: , December 16, 2013.
  7. ^ TV Halle: A report on the Repair Café Halle
  8. ^ Repair Café Kuringen using 3D printer
  9. Foundation anstiftung & ertomis (ed.): Repair. Projects, places and actors in a movement. Munich 2014, p. 70.
  10. ^ Anja Humburg: Repair culture. In: Make: 5/2015, p. 99.