Reuben Archer Torrey

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Reuben Archer Torrey

Reuben Archer Torrey (born January 28, 1856 in Hoboken , New Jersey , USA , † October 26, 1928 in Biltmore Forest , North Carolina , USA) was an American revival preacher and theologian . He is best known as the editor of The Fundamentals series and the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge reference work .


Torrey was the son of a banker and grew up in the best of circumstances in a Christian home. He graduated from Yale University , publicly converted towards the end of his studies, and moved to Yale Divinity School instead of becoming a lawyer as planned. During this time, influenced by Dwight Lyman Moody , he began his personal evangelism work. Further studies followed in Leipzig and Erlangen . Torrey was an excellent student who was a staunch supporter of higher biblical criticism at the beginning of his studies , but during his studies he came back more and more to conservative Orthodox doctrines and was then a staunch opponent of liberalism throughout his life.

After graduating, he was offered two pastoral positions, one in a rich church in Brooklyn and one in a weak and poor church in Minneapolis . He chose the poor and made a living church out of it.

After graduating, he worked as a pastor in several congregational churches and, in addition to these responsibilities, also took over the supervision of the Congregational City Mission Society . In 1889, at the age of 33, he was appointed by Moody as the first superintendent of the Evangelical Bible Institute of Chicago (now the Moody Bible Institute ) in Chicago, which he directed until 1908. The institute's success is largely attributed to him. His leadership of the school and his participation in the evangelistic program of the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893 made him known in Christian circles. At Moody's death in 1899, Torrey was widely seen as the "Prophet Elisha" who would continue Moody's work.

From 1894 to 1905 he headed the institute and Chicago Avenue Church (today Moody Memorial Church ), the 2200-seat auditorium soon filled. He organized prayer meetings across town, trained the congregation in evangelism, and led the Church in a permanent revival atmosphere. However, he only worked on the testimony of Scripture, in which he believed unconditionally, and did not use emotional means.

In 1901 he began his worldwide evangelistic trips in Australia, India and England. In every city he visited, he called the audience to the Christian faith, whereupon thousands were converted.

In 1914 he took over the publication of the Fundamentals series, which decisively shaped the evangelical movement.

From 1912 to 1924 he headed the Los Angeles Bible Institute (now Biola University ) in Los Angeles , where he trained the radio evangelist and seminar founder Charles E. Fuller .


Torrey has authored over 40 books in English that have been translated into several languages, some of which have been reprinted to this day. The following books have been translated into German:

  • Vessels common to the landlord. He who wins souls is wise. Three speeches. Bethel publishing house, 1910
  • Mental power and abundance of mind. Bethel publishing house, 1947
  • How do I become a full Christian? Bethel publishing house, 1947
  • The prayers of the saints. Oncken 1948
  • Win souls. Bethel publishing house, 1952
  • How do I find peace with God? Bethel publishing house, 1952
  • How do we get to know our Bible. Majer 1955 (5th edition)
  • The work of the Holy Spirit. Bethel publishing house, 1956
  • Life questions of the church of Jesus Christ. What is indispensable. Mission publisher for early Christian message 1966
  • The Holy Spirit . His essence and work. Elmer Classes 1967; Herold 1971–2011 (many editions)
  • The power of prayer; and prayer in authority. Herald 1971
  • Mental power and abundance of mind
  • Be ready for eternity! , ISBN 3-88936-062-9

Some of his works are online:


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